Diverse Housing
Today, Erik will lead us on a walk to look at the Management Building, a relatively recent green building on campus. If there’s time, I’ll talk about housing diversity and possibly show a couple of short video clips from “Housing America: Demographics and Development” On Friday, the RDN is hosting a forum on water at the Conference Centre from 8:45 to 4 (it’s free), and “Gasland 2” (about the impacts of fracking) is being shown in Building 356, Room 109 at 7 p.m.
In your experience, how well-integrated are jobs and housing in Nanaimo? What about other places you have lived?
How diverse is the housing stock in Nanaimo? What about for Parksville? Qualicum? Victoria? Ladysmith? Source: Community Profile (Nanaimo), Economic Development Office of Nanaimo
What kind of housing is needed depends on characteristics of population. Source: Community Profile (Nanaimo), Economic Development Office of Nanaimo
What are some ways of enhancing housing diversity? They often overlap with measures for enhancing housing affordability but, as we know with condo market in Vancouver, ‘affordability’ is relative, especially relative to what you get. [See
Matt Hern speaks approvingly of the Champlain Housing Trust in Burlington and northwestern Vermont. In Burlington alone, it has over 2500 members, with 410 owner- occupied houses, 100 co-op apartments, 1200 units of rental housing, and fifteen non- residential buildings and condos (p. 143). And this in a city of only 40,000 people! I will show you part of a video that focuses on this land trust. See [ /0/5?srchfield1=GENERAL%5e&SUBJECT%5e& GENERAL%5e&record%20id%5e&searchdata1 = ] #p7EPMc1_2