Happy Tuesday! Bell Work: 1.Put all returned work in your binder in Design Cycle #2. 2. Get your HW out (i.e. Habit 1 Guided Reading sheet). 2. On the back of your sheet, write a response to the following questions: What in your life is in your control? What in your life is out of your control? Learning IntentionsSuccess Criteria We are learning to… develop habits that will help us to be more effective human beings understand the difference between proactive and reactive people & language use proactive language & make proactive choices to live a happier, more calm life We’ll know we’re successful when we can… define proactive & reactive participate in small & lg. group discussions analyze which characteristics describe a proactive person & which describe a reactive person create a short skit based on a real-life situation that shows proactive in action complete the exit slip
Reactive Proactive Partner Talk: What’s the definition of a proactive person? How about a reactive person? Partner Talk: Make a connection: Describe a recent situation involving a reactive person.
ProactiveReactive take responsibility for their lives make things happen make choices based on values think before they act think before they speak use proactive language calm and cool in control of how they respond to situations place blame on others “get happened to” make choices based on impulse don’t think before acting or speaking use reactive language full of pressure and exploding act out of control - respond to situations irrationally and inappropriately Characteristics of Two Very Different People
Group Discussion 1.Read scenes one and two on pgs. 49 and Discuss each of the possible choices. What are the consequences of each choice? ***Consider both positive and negative consequences. 2.Brainstorm additional PROACTIVE choices to add to the list. Record on your whiteboards. ***Be ready to discuss in 8 min.!
Proactive people are… not easily offended take responsibility think before they act bounce back when something bad happens always finds a way to make “it” happen focus on things they can do something about, and don’t worry about the things they can’t sometimes “change agents” – finding the power to rise about whatever may have been passed down to them “can-do” people – take initiative think about solutions & options act!
Real-life “reactive” examples…
Real-life “proactive” responses: A Challenge 1. Work with your table groups of 3 or Select one of the scenarios from the list just generated. 3. Create a skit which focuses on one or more of the people clearly being PROACTIVE. Your group will be successful when the proactive person/people: - use proactive language; - demonstrate the characteristics of proactive people, (see page 53); - maintain personal control of themselves and their attitudes. Example: =daymk2TWu1o =daymk2TWu1o