7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens Weekly Lessons - 6
Choice People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be --Abraham Lincoln
Proactive To think and plan ahead – before something happens.
Proactive People Make choices based on values Think before they act Know they can only control their own actions Cool, calm, collected and in control
React Respond or act on something without thinking.
LanguageReactive I’ll try I’ll try That’s just the way I am That’s just the way I am There’s nothing I can do There’s nothing I can do I have to I have to I can’t I can’t You ruined my day You ruined my dayProactive I’ll do it I’ll do it I can do better than that I can do better than that Let’s look at all our options Let’s look at all our options I choose to I choose to There’s gotta be a way There’s gotta be a way I’m not going to let your bad mood rub off on me. I’m not going to let your bad mood rub off on me.
Victim Virus Everyone has it out for me! The world owes me! It isn’t my fault!! You don’t like me because I’m _______________. Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. -- Mark Twain
We Control Only One Thing Circle of No Control Circle of No Control Color of Skin Weather Parents Cost of Tuition Location of Birth Rude Comments Past Mistakes Who Will Win NBA Finals Choices Circle of Control Responses Attitudes Ourselves Lunch Menu
Setbacks to Triumphs Learn to be proactive when you have problems and see setbacks as opportunities.
Rising Above Abuse “If you have been abused, it is not your fault…” Take initiative to deal with it productively and get the help that you need and deserve.
Become a Change Agent
Proactive Muscles Practice being Proactive Just Push Pause Imagination Imagination Conscience Conscience Willpower Willpower Etc. Etc.
Baby Steps
Habits Activity