The Mighty Apostrophe ’
The apostrophe has 2 functions 1. To replace missing letters in contractions. 2. To show that something belongs to someone. (possession)
I am I’m
We are We’re
He is He’s
Now try contracting these words. Can not Can not She had She had They are They are He will He will We have We have Can’t Can’t She’d She’d They’re They’re He’ll He’ll We’ve We’ve
Apostrophes can also be used to show that something belongs to someone else. Miss Barnett’s chair.
Have a go at putting the apostrophes in the right place. The pencil case that belonged to Megan. The pencil case that belonged to Megan. Megan’s pencil case. Megan’s pencil case. The drink that belonged to Jack The drink that belonged to Jack Jack’s drink. Jack’s drink. The book that belonged to Tiarna. The book that belonged to Tiarna. Tiarna’s book Tiarna’s book The rubber that belonged to Charles The rubber that belonged to Charles Charles’ rubber Charles’ rubber
Your spelling words this week will be to do with contractions in group 1 and 2. Group 3 you will be given sentences to write with the correct use of an apostrophe.