By the Eco Focus Group
* Energy Month is the month everyone should be more aware of how much energy we use and how we can save energy in the future. * Last year, we used way too much energy and each year it is gradually getting higher. * This is not good and it needs to get lower!
* Leaving lights and computers on can cause: * Floods * Droughts * Food Shortage * Polar ice caps to melt Would you really want all of this to happen? (The answer is… NO!)
* Floods are caused because using too much energy causes climate change. * Droughts are caused because using too much energy causes climate change. * Without energy we won’t be able to grow crops which will lead to food shortage. * Using too much energy will cause global warming which will lead to polar ice caps melting.
* We are going to be going around spying on your classes and whenever you leave a light or computer on, we will mark it on our chart. * Every week at assembly, we will announce the winner (the class with the least marks) and they will win our Eco Trophy and that class will win 5 minutes extra playtime!
Polar ice capsFloods DroughtsFood shortages
Energy month, Be aware, Turn off the lights, And always take care. Try not to waste it, Try not to leave, Without turning your computer off, And you will achieve. Make this world, A better place, So animals don’t go extinct, You know… just in case. Help our world, No matter how little you do, Everything helps, And we will get through.
1. What are the results of using too much energy? 2. What is the purpose of “Energy month”? 3. When did we use more energy? This year, or last year?
1. Floods, droughts, food shortage and polar ice caps. 2. Energy month is when everyone should be more aware of how much energy we use. 3. This year.
Thank You for listening!