Welcome to PSA’s Week 2 meeting!
Announcements Clothing Drive Happening Now! Spam Musubi!! –Spam Musubi Making night TONIGHT! –Fundraiser tomorrow Mentee Apps for Peer Mentorship Program due next Wednesday January 22 Karaoke Night next Wednesday after meeting January 22 PSA t-shirts on sale for $15
Committees! Now accepting applications: 1. Community Service 2. Fundraising *Applications due by next Friday January 24
Member of the Quarter Each quarter we will honor 1 outstanding member for their dedication and service to PSA! The member of the quarter will receive: –Certificate –Feature on the Website’s home page –Special gift from Kaplan test prep How to become member of the quarter: –Come to meetings and events –Show enthusiasm for the club! –Points are a big factor in our decision, but not the only thing