@Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu eLearning Centre A concise presentation
@Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu We have an eLearning Centre All eLearning activities at Kemi-Tornio Polytechnic are co-ordinated and supported by the eLearning Centre: Green Line/Mediapolis Pakkahuoneenkatu Tornio
@Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu eLearning Centre’s place At the centre of our organisation
@Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu eLearning Centre The eLearning Centre is responsible for technical support for teachers, pedagogical support for teachers, general development of eLearning, license and software matters, virtual strategy
@Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu Teacher support
@Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu Education Instruction is offered on both scheduled and ad hoc basis, most teachers prefer the latter. Teachers are not required to learn the use of software that is not directly required for their teaching effort. Students are involved in teacher support. KT-eOK encourages teachers to embrace eLearning.
@Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu Development KT-eOK pursues a flexible approach to eLearning, i.e. not one pedagogical focus, but: Collaborative Problem-based Project-based Progressive inquiry Game-based (Ideally one course should include several approaches so as to cater to the widest audience)
@Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu Licenses (example) Hot Potatoes is a shareware program with which different self-test exercises can be produced for the Web. Hot Potatoes is cheap and very easy to use.
@Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu Strategy The eLearning Centre is pivotal in the development of educational and organistational strategies to enable and facilitate eLearning as one of the pillars of the information society. Spearheads: Web pedagogics, Quality criteria (Virtual Polytechnic standards, European standards), Flexible approach.
@Virtuaaliammattikorkeakoulu Thank you for attending! Kemi-Tornio eOppimiskeskus is at your service