Linking to a school website page Linking to a class blog Linking to student writing Giving instructions to students
In order to scan a qr code, you will need to download a qr scanner or reader app. There are many free ones available. Check out the app store.
You need to search for and choose a qr code generator on the internet. There are many to choose from. Some are listed below. QRLicisous QR Code Generator Kaywa QR Code Maestro
I am going to a qr generator called Google GOQR
Run your mouse over the top left buttons to see the type of links you create with the qr code. Choose the what you want to link to. I am going to choose a url. The picture below will then come up.
Copy and paste the url that you want to link to the code. I am choosing a youtube clip url. When you enter it is the field press the download button on the right. The following screen will show.
Once this field pops up you can choose to download as a png or jpeg file. I am going to choose jpeg. The image will then download and you can choose to print it off either as a jpeg or you can save to a document and print it off.
All ready to go... Print off this code and scan....