Web Capture/NGA Grant Gives users the ability to import Secretary of State images for use in lineups. Give users the ability to import images without the use of livescan technology. Created new database for arrested persons using the web capture feature
Importing an Image into the SNAP Program Must be a plus license user Image must be a JPEG Secretary of State Images must be placed into the Suspect Database Image file must be smaller than 500K
*Choose the arrestee database if you are entering an image from an arrest where the image was not transmitted via livescan.
NGA Grant/Data sharing All agencies will have the ability to submit and store images in the SNAP Program. The larger the database the greater chance of identifying unknown suspects using Facial recognition. Provides smaller agencies the ability to create and store mughsots who did not have the ability prior to the web capture feature. Allows all agencies the opportunity to utilize the images that have been imported. It removes jurisdictional lines on the access to the data.