Partnership for Undergraduate Life Science Education (PULSE) Transforming Undergraduate Life Science Education Sharon B. Gusky, Northwestern Connecticut Community College Loretta Brancaccio-Taras, Kingsborough Community College Nitya Jacob, Oxford College of Emory University Karen Klyczek, University of Wisconsin- River Falls
Session Goals: Introduce participants to PULSE Update the life science education community on the work of the PULSE Vision and Change Leadership Fellows Answer questions about the PULSE efforts
Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education Initiated as as result of a collaboration between NSF, NIH/NIGMS, and HHMI Charge: to initiate change in life science education at the departmental level using the recommendations in Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education: A Call to Action
Vision and Change Leadership Fellows 40 Department Chairpersons/Deans Developing a framework for V&C implementation since 2012 Developing resources/materials for departmental- level change.
Vision & Change Ambassadors Progress: 2 nd Ambassadors training in August 35 trained Ambassadors 10 departmental visits during Follow up, assessment, seek additional funding, Spring and Summer 2015 PULSE community members - interested in Ambassador visit? program program
Regional Networks Focus on departmental support for faculty development Online component In-person workshops Follow-up activities VT, MA, CT Workshop June 7 Western New EnglandGreat Plains and Midwest Partner with ACUBE, SENCER, and AIBS Regional V&C workshops Develop regional hubs in IA, IL, IN, KA, MI, MN, MO, ND, OH, OK, SD, WI Engage community colleges Conference June 6-8 Pacific Northwest Systems approach to institutional change Enhance existing networks in the PNW Build regional networks in AK, WA, OR, ID, MT, WY Report at the annual NWBIO meeting May 2 Southeast Regional AL, FL, GA, KY, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV, VI Focus on diversity, departments, regional networks Institute June Southwest Newly formed AZ, CA, CO, HI, NM, TX
Vision & Change Rubrics Purpose: – Evaluate department progress in V&C implementation – Certification Program Six areas: curriculum development, faculty support, student engagement and inclusivity, assessment, infrastructure, and the campus climate for change All types of Institutions PULSE Vision & Change Rubrics v1.0
Vision & Change Rubrics CBE-Life Sciences, Dec 2013 – Letter to the Editor Online Data Collection Portal Certification Program Self-Study: Eight pilot institutions (2 of each type) Link with Ambassador Program Department Evaluation Rubric – short version