THICH NHAT HANH LIVE Born in October 11,1926. Now he is 88 years old. He is a Zen master. Win a Nobel Peace Prize In 1966 he first met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., called him “An Apostle of Peace and nonviolence”
PROBLEM Vietnam have a really bad war. He want peace for Viet Nam. Travel to U.S and Europe to make the case for peace and call an end for hostilities in Vietnam. At 47 year old North and South Vietnam denied him the right to return to Vietnam. He continued travel to travel spreading the message of peace and brotherhood, lobbying Western leaders to end the Vietnam war.
VIRTUES He is a gentle and loving monk.
LOVE He love his country. He try to stop the war in Vietnam He travel around the word and teach about peace.
GENTLE He is a gentle person. He teach abound how make peace with nonviolence.