Mr. Kallusingh topic 13
Industrial revolution started in Britain because of increased food supply, population growth, ready supply of capital, natural resources, and trade capabilities After it started in Britain it spread through Europe and eventually into the United States
Making textile was a two-step process turning cotton into thread, then thread into cloth. Early on people did this at their houses Inventions like the ‘flying shuttle’, spinning jenny, watered power loom, and steam engine changed the textile industry Changes in iron production by Henry Cort transformed the way iron was produced and Britain now produced more iron than the rest of the world combined
Railroads allowed goods to be moved around Britain and the United States easily, creating jobs for workers on and off the railroad Factories sprouted up all over the place so owners could run their machines almost all day long, but they had to train workers as most were used to working in the fields
Women of lower class families worked in factories for wages half as much as men and middle class women argued for more women rights, eventually becoming more educated and independent As industry grew the middle class got larger and their position in society improved, they were bankers, manufacturers, merchants, lawyers, doctors, engineers, and professors
The factories would be cold or hot based on the season People would get fines, pay cuts, or jobs loss for breaking rules Most workers lived in crowded tenements People began to strike over wages and the winner depended on the economic situation Eventually they realized their was strength in numbers and began to form unions that they paid fees to be part of, they unions helped with the strikes and working conditions in collective bargaining
Emigration is leaving a place and immigration is entering a place People were emigrating from European countries like Ireland because of the poor economy and there were emigrating from countries like Germany because of discrimination People were immigrating to the United States and industrialized Europe in hopes of opportunity, from million people left Europe for USA alone
In 1800 no city had a population of 1 million, but by 1900 New York, London, Paris, Berlin all had more than 1 million people
People living in the cities began to have more time and money to use and this led to the development of entertainment like sports, concerts, plays, etc As time went on people began to demand for parks for outdoor recreation