Lesson 5.1/5.2 – Writing Expressions and Equations Write this TITLE down on your notes!!! 5.1 /5.2 Writing Expressions and Equations
Objective - To translate variable expressions. To translate variable equations and use mental math to solve. add plus sum increased by total more than added to subtract minus difference decreased by diminished by less than subtracted from less multiply times product …of... twice divide quotient Box the backwards words when you see them
Verbal Phrase = Variable Expression Add 3 and 7=3 + 7 The sum of 3 and 7= increased by 7=3 + 7 The total of 3 and 7= more than 7= added to 7=7 + 3 Don’t forget, box the backwards words
7 subtract 3=7 - 3 The difference of 7 and 3= decreased by 3= diminished by 3= less than 3= subtracted from 3= less 3=7 - 3 Don’t forget, box the backwards words Verbal Phrase = Variable Expression
Translate the following phrases. 1) Five plus a number minus 3 3) Eight multiplied by y minus 7 4) The product of 10 and m decreased by 7 5) Four more than the quotient of a number and x – 3 8y m – 7 or (10m) – 7 6) Twice the sum of x and negative five 2(x +( -5)) 2) 5 less than a number x x - 5 First, did you box the backwards words???
One more! Twice a number and 7. x + 72
An equation is a mathematical statement that uses an equal sign to separate two equal expressions. It helps to think of the equation as a question. 4 plus what number equals 16? 4 + y = 16 Solution: 12
Try this one! Write an algebraic equation for the sentence. Then solve the equation. Seven subtracted from b is fourteen. b – 7 = 14 b = 21 Subtracting 7 from what number equals 14?
Homework Take out a NEW sheet of paper to start your homework. Use proper math guidelines! PW 5.1 and 5.2 front side Name Period # 12) Date Remember to write the original problem, then your work, then write your answer