As part of the turnaround, the Strategic Plan has been revised taking into consideration Auditor-General comments, alignment with National Priorities, National Development Plan and New Growth Path. 3/19/20162 BACKGROUND
3/19/20163 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Rights of WCPD realised InequalityAbuse & GBV Poverty, including food security Health including HIV&AIDS Unemployment
3/19/20164 SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS cont’d Empowerment of Women facilitated Under- representation across all sectors Lack of opportunities such as economic Under- development in areas such as education
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK SOUTH AFRICANCONTINENTAL/ REGIONALINTERNATIONAL Bill of RightsAU Heads of State Solemn Declaration on Gender and Equality in Africa, 2004 UN Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) Employment Equity Act ( Act 55 of 1996) AU Decades for African Women UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and related protocol Domestic Violence Act (Act 116 of 1998) AU Charter for the Rights and Welfare of the child Beijing Declaration and its Platform Action, 1995 AU Plan of Action for Children UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 3/19/20165
LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK SOUTH AFRICANCONTINENTAL/ REGIONALINTERNATIONAL Maintenance Act (Act 4 of 1998) African Decade of Persons with Disabilities, extended until 2019 Millennium development Goals, 2000 Sexual Offenses and other Related Matters Act (Act of 2007) African Decade of Persons with Disabilities, extended until 2019 UN Member States’ Participation Protocol Children's Act ( Act 38 of 2005) AU Member States Participation Protocol Recognition of Customary Marriages ( Act 120 of 1998) 3/19/20166
To promote, facilitate, coordinate and monitor the realisation of the rights and empowerment of women, children and people with disabilities. 3/19/20167 MANDATE OF THE DWCPD
3/19/20168 IMPLICATION OF LEGISLATION Beneficiaries (WCPD) Government & Society Promote, facilitate, coordinate and monitor the realisation rights and empowerment of WCPD
VISION AND MISSION VISION An empowered society that upholds the rights of women, children and people with disabilities. MISSION To mainstream the rights and empowerment of wcpd through advocacy, institutional support and capacity development, monitoring and evaluation 3/19/20169
Role of the DWCPD within government Government Institutional Capacity Building Mainstreaming Stakeholder Coordination, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation 3/19/201610
Role of the DWCPD towards beneficiaries Beneficiaries (WCPD) Advocacy, awareness raising CommunicationFacilitation Monitoring and Evaluation 3/19/201611
Role of the WCPD towards general public General Public (society) Advocacy and awareness raising CommunicationEducation Monitoring and Evaluation 3/19/201612
Strategic Outcomes Strategic Outcome Orientated Goal 1 The rights of women, children and people with disabilities realised Strategic Outcome Orientated Goal 2 Empowerment of women, children and people with disabilities, facilitated for equitable access to public and private sector programmes and services Strategic Outcome Orientated Goal 3 An effective and efficient department Strategic Outcome Orientated Goal 4 Gender-Based Violence reduction interventions increased and violence against women, children and people with disabilities decreased 3/19/201613
MTEF ALLOCATIONS : 2013/14 – 2015/16 3/19/201614
3/19/ The functions of the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities are organised in the following programmes: Programme 1: Administration Programme 2: Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality Programme 3: Children’s Rights and Responsibilities Programme 4: Rights of People with Disabilities DWCPD PROGRAMMES
MAIN APPROPRIATION 3/19/ * The reprioritisation in terms of allocations on all four programmes are on goods and services. The increase of 10% on Pr1 was due to the shortfall on allocation for compensation of employees, Office Accommodation, Audit Fees & IT related expenditure which was addressed by the reprioritisation from other three programmes.
3/19/ How funds will be spent 2013/2014
Strategic Objectives and links to APP, Govt Outcome, Priorities, NDP and Minister’s PA Programme 1 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Govt Outcome, Priorities, Minister`s PA & NDP BaselineAnnual Target Strengthen good governance for the department to deliver on its mandate Number of Internal Audit reports issued on the 3 year rolling plan Govt Outcome: An efficient, effective and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive citizenship Minister`s PA Indicator: Number of gender, children and disability responsive partnership interventions promoted and monitored Govt Priorities: Economic growth, decent work and sustainable livelihoods(Employment), Safety and Security (Crime) & Education Minster`s PA Indicator: Implementation and monitoring of effective, efficient and accountable management and administrative support systems NDP: Building a safer community NDP: Reforming the public service. NDP: Fighting corruption and enhancing accountability 14 % of management action plans followed up and verified 1100% Implementation and monitoring of the 365 days action plan of activism against gender-based violence 365 Day Plan of Action (POA) coordinated 365 Day Plan of Action (POA) % of planned actions achieved. Strengthen good governance for the department to deliver on its mandate % of deviation on expenditure against allocated funding 15.9%5% (not in excess of) % of reduction of vacancy rate 12%7% % of staff satisfaction rate conducted through survey -60% Events coordination for three sectors in the department (women, children and people with disabilities) 2012 women, children and disability calendar Reports on events coordinated produced 3/19/201620
Strategic Objectives and links to APP, Govt Outcome, Priorities, NDP and Minister’s PA Programme 1 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Govt Outcome, Priorities, Minister`s PA & NDP BaselineAnnual Target Annual stakeholder forum coordinated -1 Annual stakeholder forum Communication Plan (with regard to marketing and branding) implemented -Communication Plan developed Number of Evidence based research projects (empowerment, violence and survival) on women, children and people with disabilities undertaken Departmental Research Agenda 3 Number of Research analytic reports on the status of women, children and people with disabilities produced. -6 Number of strategic documents (Strategic Plan, APP and Annual Report) developed Strategic Plan 2010/ /17 APP 2012/13 Annual Report 2011/12 3 Risk Management maturity level improved by implementing a risk register and Quarterly risk assessment report compiled Draft Risk register Risk Management Policy Risk Register developed 3/19/201621
Strategic Objectives and links to APP, Govt Outcome, Priorities, NDP and Minister’s PA Programme 2 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Govt Outcome, Priorities, Minister`s PA & NDP BaselineAnnual Target Promote, advocate and monitor women`s empowerment and gender equality Number of programmes on WEGE Policy and Bill coordinated Got Outcome: A long and healthy life for all South Africans Govt Priorities: Health, Education, Employment, Rural Development & Safety and Security Minister`s PA Indicator: Number of programmes advancing maternal and child survival facilitated. Number of programmes promoting access to training and economic opportunities for women coordinated and monitored NDP: Health care for all. NDP: Social Protection (A nutrition intervention for pregnant women and young children). NDP: Inclusive rural economy NDP: Education, training and innovation 38 Number of Programmes on women’s socio-economic opportunities and development coordinated 35 Number of advocacy campaigns on prevention of mother-to-child treatment conducted 01 Number of Capacity building and institutional support programmes facilitated and coordinated 2 6 Number of initiatives on Institutional Support and Capacity development framework undertaken 14 Number of National Gender Mainstreaming (NGM) programmes coordinated 4 4 3/19/201623
Strategic Objectives and links to APP, Govt Outcome, Priorities, NDP and Minister’s PA Programme 2 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Priorities, Minister`s PA & NDP BaselineAnnual Target Number of initiatives for young women in (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields coordinated Govt Outcome: A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path & Education Govt Priorities: Economic growth, decent work and sustainable livelihoods Minister`s PA Indicator: Number of programmes promoting access to training and economic opportunities for women coordinated and monitored NDP: Education, training and innovation. NDP: Transforming society and uniting the nation NDP: Social Equality 0 4 Number of status report on programmes for women empowerment & gender equality 2 5 Number of provincial programmes on implementation of women empowerment & gender equality monitored 8 8 Number of databases created and updated 6 8 Number of compliance reports to regional, continental and international commitments 44 3/19/201624
Strategic Objectives and links to APP, Govt Outcome, Priorities, GNDP and Minister’s PA Programme 3 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Priorities, Minister`s PA & NDP BaselineAnnual Target Promote, advocate and monitor children`s Rights and Responsibilities Number of Municipalities work shopped on Mainstreaming Strategy Got Outcome: A long and healthy life for all South Africans Govt Priorities: Health, Education, Rural Development & Safety and security Minister`s PA Indicator: Number of partnerships built to strengthen integrated institutional mechanisms to facilitate access to health & ECD NDP: Health care for all. NDP: Early childhood development and nutrition. NDP: Social Protection (A nutrition intervention for pregnant women and young children). NDP: Education, training and innovation None4 Number of Social campaigns on rights of children conducted Violence Against Children Study report 3 Number of child participation sessions held on empowerment National and International Children’s Days Commemoration reports and documents Number of access to education and ECD programme conducted 12 3/19/201626
Strategic Objectives and links to APP, Govt Outcome, Priorities, NDP and Minister’s PA Programme 3 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Priorities, Minister`s PA & NDP BaselineAnnual Target Number of Children`s Rights machineries convened Got Outcome: A long and healthy life for all South Africans Govt Priorities: Health, Education & Safety and security Minister`s PA Indicator: Number of reports monitoring participation of relevant departments in joint NDP: Health care for all. NDP: Early childhood development and nutrition. NDP: Social Protection (A nutrition intervention for pregnant women and young children). NDP: Education, training and innovation Machinery reports3 Number of Capacity development initiated on the realisation of children`s rights None6 Child Friendly Cities/Communities model launched National Plan of Action for Children Child Friendly Cities/Communities model developed M&E Strategy finalisedGovernment wide M&E policies Departmental M&E Framework DWCPD CRR: M&E Framework Government National Development priorities and development targets M&E Strategy finalised M&E data systems developed 3/19/201627
Strategic Objectives and links to APP, Govt Outcome, Priorities, NDP and Minister’s PA Programme 3 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Priorities, Minister`s PA & NDP BaselineAnnual Target Number of Status report on key child rights priorities Got Outcome: A long and healthy life for all South Africans Govt Priorities: Health, Education & Safety and Security Minister`s PA Indicator: Number of reports monitoring participation of relevant departments in joint planning & monitoring processes NDP: South Africa in the region and the world.Key data sources Academic research The UN Global, country and national studies on Violence Against Children 1 Number of Regional and international periodic reports produced and deposited Ratified international instruments: UNCRC & protocols, ACRWC 2 The AU- ACRWC & UNCRC reports finalised 3/19/201628
Strategic Objectives and links to APP, Govt Outcome, Priorities, NDP and Minister’s PA Programme 4 Strategic Objective Performance Indicator Priorities, Minister`s PA & NDP BaselineAnnual Target Promote, advocate and monitor the rights of people with disabilities Number of Disability Rights Campaigns coordinated Govt Outcome: A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path Govt Priorities: Economic growth, decent work and sustainable livelihoods, Health, Safety and Security & Education Minister`s PA Indicator: Number of transversal projects that mainstream disability considerations supported Minister`s PA Indicator: economic empowerment and decent work for people with disabilities tracked and reported on. NDP: Economic infrastructure NDP: South Africa in the region and the world 2012 National Disability Rights Awareness Month 2012 Disability Rights Siyahlola Dialogue 2012 Tributes 05 Transversal policy and legislation to promote, protect and uphold the rights of people with disabilities in place INDS UN-CRPD ratified Draft National Disability Policy (NDP) developed SANS S (Building Regulations) Draft Universal Access (UA) Framework finalised Number of transversal projects that mainstream disability considerations supported 3 transversal service delivery models for mainstreaming of disability consideration developed in 2012/13 Six (6) Number of Reports on the Status of People with Disabilities published 1 st CRPD Country Report 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th Conference of State Parties Statements 2012 Preliminary Special School Survey Report Five provincial status reports 06 3/19/201630
THANK YOU 3/19/201632