Early Warning System Spokane’s Lessons Learned MARCH 11, 2014
Background Mary Beth Celio Research Report First Principal Training – summer of 2012 Principal Input Expansion 2013/2014 school year
Lesson 1 – Data Organization History of Data in Spokane Schools Large data binders with all levels of data Website with links to visualizations Overwhelmed by data Leaders need data access at the right level and focus Prioritizing Data Efficiency Common Language for Collaboration
Lesson 1 – Data Organization (con’t) Macro to Micro Satellite view: aggregated measure of performance - the “whole” ex. district weekly attendance rate Naked eye: school level aggregated measure of performance ex. school weekly attendance rate Microscope view: nitty-gritty details that make up the whole ex. Johnny’s attendance data
Lesson 2 – Intentionality Behind the Design Five Undergirding Principles (demo) (demo) 1. Data Interpretation (color and trend) 2. Data Triangulation (multiple metrics getting at the same idea) 3. Signaling (tells our users what is important) 4. Integration (easy accessibility from the web) 5. Data Consolidation and Organization (desperate data in one place)
Lesson 3 – Growing leaders through data It’s not good enough to just identify It’s not good enough to just intervene We have to be proactive and responsive You cannot assume leaders know how to lead with data Early Warning System Slipping Grades High Risk Report Identify Academic Mentors ICAN Community Dashboard Intervene Mentor Accountability ICAN Program Evaluation Monitor
Lesson 4 – It’s not just about risk Social Support and Academic Press Key Performance Indicators across all data aspects Leaders have to focus on both areas and our system guides them on key indicators