Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Pixel status and schedule Rad-hard electronics (has always been) on the critical path for the construction of the pixel detector. DMILL technology has proven (contrary to published specs) to be unable to meet pixel requirements (low yield for complex and dense chips). DeepSubMicron (0.25 m gate length) technology appears to be able to meet pixel specs (at reduced cost), but transition DMILL DSM has taken ~1.5yrs. Pixel underwent layout modifications to cope with rad-hard electronics delay. This means that pixel detector must be installed “independently” from the rest of the ID (=insertable pixel). While doing this mod we tried to preserve as much as possible all the development work done to date. I’ll then report on 2 important changes (DSM and Insertable layout) and on progress about the rest of the project, schedule will be illustrated.
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, After succesfull Rad-soft FE and MCC (demonstrating that ATLAS specifications could be met), Rad-hard development began with Atmel/DMILL in 8/98 back 11/99 with very poor yield. Second run with Atmel (7/00) after investigations and some corrections. One option (FE-D2s) excluding circuit elements sensitive to technology problems but at cost of removing some functionality. Yield of FE-D2S good enough to proceed to build a few active modules and test single-chip, but hopeless for production. Design work stopped for FE and MCC in DMILL in 9/00 and all efforts concentrated on 0.25 process, which is now (10/01) ready for submission. Lesson 1: for pixel FE (once you have a working chip design) a transition from one technology to another takes 1 to 1.5 yr. A correction cycle in the same technology takes less: 0.6 to 1 yr. Rad-hard electronics
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, During 2001 DSM ATLAS pixel design has been characterized with a 20- pixel chip built using both TSCM and IBM foundries. All characteristics (noise, jitter, etc.) are within specs (except threshold dispersion 2x out) and stay ~the same after 50+ Mrad (55 MeV p). FDR passed on June, follow up passed few days ago, submission week43 (22/10). Expect DSM chips back in week51. Another DSM iteration foreseen (July02) to fix threshold dispersion and possible mistakes in DSM1. In between some small submissions (of critical parts) to secure the DSM2 success. Finally production should begin in 4/03
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, The delay of rad-hard electronics implies separate installation of the pixel system. This can be done by permanently installing a CRF tube attached to the barrel ID and then sliding in the pixel system later. Only the CFR tube must be ready together with the barrel ID. PP0 SCT TRT 3450mm 3400mm (end-plug face) Length of service panel Pixel + Pigtails 795mm (Barrel Tube half length) PP1 Insertable layout
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Advantages: flexibility (easier upgrade & repair & coping with production delays) testability (the full system is tested on surface, then connected at PP1) smaller system (less (-17%) modules to build) ID service routing easier (PPB1) Disadvantages: pixel installation needs vacuum breaking (2 b_pipes needed) and displacement of a 7.5m long object (SR building pit) pixel (and pixel induced) performance are degraded (more material, some acceptance losses and smaller pixel lever arm) mechanics more difficult Advantages outweight disadvantages.
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, X0 increase (CFR support tube, services along support tube, Al cooling tube inside staves) DUBNA LAYOUT INSERTABLE LAYOUT 7.5% Peak due to B-layer services, can be reduced if symmetric B_services are finally chosen
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, hit acceptance losses of 2-3% mostly at interface barrel disks (impossible to get disks closer) close to =2.5 (disk cannot be smaller as b_layer must slide in) Acceptance losses
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Pixel system is squeezed (inward:R out 14.2 12.2 cm and outward:R in 4 5 cm in barrel) and shortened. The number of disks is reduced (5 3) 130 cm Longitudinal view Barrel Transverse view
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, IP resolution degrades for low p T tracks (R in increase), but stays the same for high p T tracks. b-tagging is marginally affected, layer1 is the less critical (results depend on sw tuning) No final results on EM Calo yet (about to come). 1 GeV M H (400 GeV) Phys TDR: Ru=183 17 for b =50% Ru= 80 5 for b =60%
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Progress on mechanics PRR on local supports passed on July (both supports use C-C supports and Al cooling tubes), production started (material procurement and part fabrication) for all layers. Good progress on support tube and global pixel support, ready for launching Insertable ECR by mid-October Bi-stave Assembly Sector Assembly
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Progress on sensors Preproduction (75CiS+75Tesla good tiles) done. Oxygenated moderated p- spray. Tesla delivery slower, quality acceptable, final irradiation studies underway Good agreement between firms and lab acceptance measurements. Production DataBase in operation in all sensor labs Ready to go for 2000 tiles production (within CORE boundaries), must start soon as production rate is limited.TeslaCis Bad tiles (vendor test)
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Progress on hybridisation Module is made out of a bare module ( sensor tile +16 chips flip-chipped on) and flex circuit (+MCC). FDR of bare module and flex passed (8/00&12/00). Three generations of flex approaching final layout, 4th ongoing, then preproduction (7/02). Progress on modules slowed down due to missing electronics (4 modules done with DMILL). 100 dummy modules in fab. to check bumping firms + jigs in labs + technical staff and procedures in labs/firms. 8” bumping in hand. BaremoduleMCC Flex module MCC MCC
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Progress on local services Taiwan optopackage chosen (6/01), progress on optochips (DORIC and VDC) satisfactory. Both DMILL and DSM can be used, we prefer a unique technology for all rad-hard electronics. Decided to place optolinks at PP0 (fibre routing & optical connectivity). Progress on pigatils: prototypes with microAl cables under construction (need special wirebonding machines available to the collaboration). Design of power supply system with rad-hard voltage regulators is ongoing (need ST regulators).
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Global schedule
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Sensor production schedule
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Electronics production schedule
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Module production schedule
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Module production schedule (cont.)
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Installation schedule
Leonardo Rossi – EB 68 – Oct 5, Final comments à Schedule can be “certified” only after some (25%?) production à Hard to meet the pilot run (even with 2 layers), is it worth? à Installation time before the 1st physics run long enough? Time window for pixel available there? à Insertable layout cannot be avoided, must go through ECR soon. à To proceed along this line we need to be assured that: à in-situ beam pipe baking is possible (double wall pipe) à a 7.5 m long object can be installed during shut down à effects in EM Calo are acceptable à activation does not prevent insertable layout installation/dismount