Principles of Teaching Ag Ed Characteristics of an effective agriculture teacher
Learning Target 1. I can discuss what makes someone a quality educator 2. I can analyze the additional responsibilities of and Ag Teacher 3. I can discuss how to improve as an Ag Teacher
Approach Think about your favorite teacher. Write down what qualities they possessed. Why did you like them? What makes someone a good teacher? What makes someone a bad teacher?
Discuss what makes someone a quality educator.
We have all had really good teachers and really bad teachers. What made them good or bad can come from a lot of sources. Overall a good teacher: Teaches topics that are meaningful Is outgoing Is caring Is organized and can manage time Is knowledgeable Teaches in a variety of ways
Depending on where a teacher teaches they will have classes that are important to the students. A teacher in Louisville probably wouldn’t need to teach about dairy cattle if no one in the class has an interest in it, or it is not an important part of the local economy.
Teachers should select classes that are meaningful to the community, school, and students. If a large portion of students in an Ag program raise field crops, they should teach Crop Technology. If a suburban teacher sees students have an interest in plants, classes in Greenhouse Technology, Landscaping, or Floral Design may be appropriate. Teaching a topic because a teacher knows a lot about it is not always best. Classes must meet the needs of students.
The attitude of a teacher is everything. Teachers should be upbeat and leave personal issues at home. Since many students have an Ag teacher for multiple years, the teachers should get to know their students and know where they come from. Everyone has a bad day and teachers should work to help students when they are not at their best. Students react to the type of teacher they have. Teachers who make learning fun and have a good attitude will have students who feel the same way.
Being organized and able to manage time is crucial. Ag teachers never have down time. As a year round employee they work 240 days where most other teacher work 187 days. That means they have to keep everything in line. Planning lessons, grading work, correspondence, paperwork, and other school commitments are a daily part of the job. Getting behind means you have to work double time to catch up.
With all the time commitments of a teacher of agriculture they must keep a detailed calendar and know what is coming up. Things to keep in mind: Upcoming lesson needs Student assessments SAE visits Teacher meetings, parent conferences, ARC meetings FFA activities Greenhouse operations Trainings Summer plans Fundraisers, to name a few
Teacher spend lots of time learning themselves Not all teachers teach what they know. They may have to work to become knowledgeable about the topic they are going to be teaching. Teachers also have to stay abreast of changes in topics they are teaching. Teachers work to get higher degrees to make them better educators and to receive pay incentives. All teachers complete professional development every year to make them better teachers,
Analyze additional responsibilities of an Ag teacher.
Being an Ag teacher is more than teaching. Ag teachers are also FFA advisors, which takes up a lot of time. FFA Advisors work with officers to run the chapter which includes all activities like CDE’s, meetings, conferences, conventions, fundraisers, community service, leadership training, public relations, and other chapter specific activities. Officers – All chapters are run by officers. Chapters should not be run by the Advisor. A good advisor and officer team know the Advisor is to act in an advisement position. Contests – Putting the skills into practice is where FFA contests are designed. Advisors coach their students and teams to get them ready for competition.
SAE – Are part of their extended employment, agriculture teachers are expected to make SAE visits to their students. Agriculture teachers have 53 extended days they may work on days outside of school time. Of those days, at least 20 should be dedicated to SAE visits. Visits involve checking progress and speaking with bosses and family members about the student’s future.
School assignments – All teachers have some type of school assignment that is required of them. This may include lunchroom monitor, morning duties, committee meetings, or other duties assigned to them. While these may not take up a lot of time, they are important to making the school a successful place.
Summers – Most teachers see summer as a break. But Ag teachers see it as time to work in a more hands on, exciting ground. Ag teachers will work most of there extended days during the summer. This is time dedicated to State Convention, FFA Camp, training teams for CDE’s, updating curriculum, cleaning the classroom, and continued SAE visits.
Summer conference – Every year all CTE teachers have the opportunity to attend the CTE Summer program. This professional development is to allow CTE teaches to gather together and share ideas, learn about new updates, get ready for the coming year, and make some networking connections.
Money – The typical Ag teacher is the primary controller of a series of school accounts. Most schools have an account for their Ag Department, Greenhouse, FFA, Per Pupil Account, and Federal Perkins money. Having some much money to control means you must be mindful of what comes in and out. There has to be accountability of all funds and know that the money is being spent properly and all paperwork is properly filed.
Community boards – Many Ag teachers also serve on a series of local organizations. Boards like Farm Bureau, local corn growers, extension boards, cattlemen’s association, and others. Being a visible part of the community is important and these meetings usually occur at night. By making these connections, FFA gets a great reputation.
Discuss how to improve as an Ag teacher
No one starts out perfect. The best Ag teachers know that they do not know it all. They find ways to improve. New Teacher Workshop (NTW) – This is a series of meeting for new teachers in agriculture. Held around the state these meetings get young teachers together to help them succeed. Successful completion of these workshops results in 3 hours of college credit.
Winter PD – Ag teachers have the opportunity to attend the winter PD in central Kentucky. This is a series of mini- workshops taught by other teachers and state staff members about various topics. This can earn you an extended day or PD credit for your district. Summer PD – During summer conference many workshops are offered to teachers of agriculture. Much like the Winter PD, these are led by teachers and state staff and help improve agriculture departments.
Graduate classes – All teachers work toward a Master’s degree. Using this time to become a better teacher is important. Teachers may get degrees in Secondary education, administration, counseling, or other degrees. Reflection – Reflection is about looking at what you did and what you could have done better. Many people reflect on the way home or during their planning period. But meaningful reflection is making changes to improve your classroom.
Activity Build a better teacher
Directions A great Ag teacher is not a freak of nature. They are people that have all the qualities it takes to teach others and make a difference. On a large sheet of paper have a friend trace you. Using this silhouette draw in the characteristics a good teacher needs. For example, you may draw dirty hands, because an Ag teacher can’t be afraid to get dirty. Give your drawing at least 10 characteristics and explain them. Think about what it takes to become a carrier of that quality.