Please do not talk at this timeNov. 16 HW: Finish your Latin American Revolutions Project due Tuesday, Work Day on Monday Please get out your Haiti Conclusion Papers. We’re going to share some of your work! What do I like about these answers?
Today we are going to learn about different groups in Latin America and how they fit in to their society. Put these notes on pg. 60A in your notebook and title them “Latin American Society” Set these notes up as Cornell Notes
Who is in Latin America in the 1800’s? Europeans from Spain and Portugal (mostly soldiers or fortune seekers and not families) Native Indians African Slaves Mixed race children of the above people How do you think these groups interacted?
Ethnic Groups in Latin America White Europeans- Peninsulares Whites of European descent- Creole European and Native Indian mix- Mestizo European and African mix- Mulatto Native Indians African Slaves
Still on pg. 60A What Point of View do you think these groups will have about Latin American independence from Europe? Peninsulares? Creoles? Mestizo?
Latin American Revolution Projects You will get a chart (pg. 61A)with one of 5 countries from Latin America on it: –Brazil- Pg. 252 –Mexico- Pg , –Peru- Pg. 249 –Venezuela- Pg You are in charge of the country on your chart. Other people will be doing other countries.
Step 1: Use the book pages listed on your chart and the handout for your country to fill in the boxes on your chart Write VERY neatly or type this up at home later. People will be reading your chart for information. Make sure all your information is Accurate!
Step 2: Choose a Product from the list below (or come up with your own idea and get it approved) and use the information you got on your revolution to create something that will teach the class about your revolution in Latin America. Rap Song or Ballad PPT Lesson Illustration/Painting Board Game Epic Poem Museum Exhibit Short Story Short Skit or Play Letter Home from a Soldier Newspaper Front Page Comic Strip Scrap Book Page Short Children’s Book
Include as much information as possible from your Graphic Organizer in your Product. You must include AT LEAST: You may also include: Who (countries) participated in revolution Where and when it was fought Three main events in the revolution Why it started More details and specifics How it connects to the American Revolution, French Revolution or Napoleon Makes an inference or deeper connection A famous general or leader who was part of the revolution Results of the revolution Be Neat and Accurate- Other students will be looking at your work INTERPERSONAL LEARNERS: You MUST do your Graphic Organizer on your own, though you may talk it over with a partner. You MAY make your Product with a partner if you clear it with me first.
Please get out your charts on Latin American Revolutions and anything else you need for your Projects Handouts are at the front of the room! Work Day! Projects and Charts are due tomorrow! Please do not talk at this timeNov. 19 HW: Latin American Rev Projects and Chart Due Tuesday
Please do not talk at this timeNov. 20 HW: Compare and Contrast work due Monday! Please get out your charts on Latin American Revolutions and your Projects Please get a Comparison Chart from the front of the room. This is pg. 62A.
Take time now… Look at the Projects people have made. Read the Revolution Info Charts that go with the projects Use that information to fill out your Comparison Chart on ALL 4 revolutions.
Now with a highlighter Highlight those things in your Comparison Chart that these revolutions have in common. How are they similar? The parts you have not highlighted show how they are different.
Contrast Compare same as alike not only…but also either…or likewise similarly similar to compared with as well as resemble in contrast although more than less than instead of However different from unless on the contrary on the other hand as opposed to but not while Compare and Contrast: Show how two things are both similar and different
Use your Comparison Chart (Pg. 62A) to find similarities and differences between two revolutions. Then use these sentence stems to express what you found.. The ___________ and ____________ revolutions were similar in that ____________ because they both____________________. The ___________ and ___________ revolutions were different because ___________ had _____________ while _______________ had _____________.