Psychology Department policy on Psy 105 out of class activities You must receive 4 credits of out-of-class activities if you are registered in PSY-105 If you do not receive all 4 credits, you will not receive a grade. An incomplete will be assigned instead. If you miss or come late to an experiment you signed up for, you will have a 1 credit deduction. After 2 penalty credit deductions, you will not longer be able to use experiments to complete your credits All credits must be completed by the last day of class
How to Receive Credits 1.Participate in experiments 2.Read and summarize articles from a Psychology Journal 3.Any combination of the above two
Summarizing Journal Articles 2 double-spaced typed pages with the title of the article, author names, and journal title, year of publication Discuss: What the author is trying to accomplish in the work you read about Why you chose this topic What conclusions the author reached Give a basic description of what took place in the study Any problems or weaknesses in the research that you notice or that were discussed in the article Why you think the study is interesting
Psychology Journals Journal of Abnormal Psychology Psychological Science Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Journal of Applied Psychology Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory Behavioral Neuroscience
Using the online system to sign up for studies Go to the link found on the psychology department website (under research, and then click on “student research participation”). Here is a direct address: Enter your userid and password (both will be ed to you after the drop/add date. Click on active studies – then click on study info/timeslots to see if there is a time available. Choose study you wish to participate in…make sure you write down the correct time and place for the study as well as the name of the principal investigator.