Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting Intermediate / Senior Mathematics Winter 2011 SESSION 15 – Apr 7, 2011
Theepika and Mariya need to be added Theepika
Remember the purpose of the Tidbit… Some mathematics or some strategy for teaching it that puzzled you A neat application of some mathematics you can identify in the curriculum A mathematical resource that you value – with examples and explanations of how it would help one get ready to teach HSMath An assessment / classroom management / equity / social justice / etc. article that you have us process and respond to and so on… Causes Dissonance, Thinking, Reasoning, Learning about Mathematics for Teaching
Everything You Need to Know About… Make sure you check: CLIPS TIPS GIZMOES Ministry Licensed Software NCTM – National Council for Teachers of Mathematics NCSM – National Council for Supervisors of Mathematics These people care deeply about students and the teaching and learning of mathematics.
Everything You Need to Know About… Whatever sources you use must be document and able to be found at the time of submission. Suggest how it might be used and Comment on its suitability to different users (e.g., age, course, gender) If it is a text – describe its lesson design (e.g., 3-parts, prompts student thinking, tells them how to think)
Agenda 1:00 – 1:30 Mathematical Tidbits 1:30 – 2:15Read Shepard assessment article and process the ideas (Reading with a Purpose and Cooperative Groups with Roles) 2:15 – 2:30Break 2:30 – 3:00Definitions of Assessment (Graffiti) 3:00 – 3:30The Achievement Chart 3:30 – 3:55Writing Success Criteria 3:55 – 4:00Exit card
Mathematical Tidbits Mike P David Li
New assessment ideas Revolution or evolution?
Research and thinking inform new practices Moving from a 20 th century thinking and research to a 21 st century view that recognizes new thinking and research about learning and the purposes of assessment
Reading The Role of Assessment in a Learning Culture
Groups Group1 Mariana Samantha Maria Michael S Group 2 Mariya Tanvi David Ng Terrance Group 3 Alice Anthony Mike P Theepika Group 4 Becky David Li Alex Janice In your groups appoint a time keeper a chair a recorder a reporter
The Role of Assessment in a Learning Culture Group 1: beginning page 4 to page 6 just before Conceptual Framework: New Theories of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment Group 2: beginning of Conceptual Framework: New Theories of Curriculum, Learning, and Assessment on page 6 to almost end of page 8 Protecting Classroom Assessment from the Negative Effects of High-Stakes Accountability Testing and read the Epilogue starting on page 12 Group 3: beginning of Protecting Classroom Assessment from the Negative Effects of High-Stakes Accountability Testing on page 8 to Using Assessment in the Process of Learning on page 10 and read the Epilogue starting on page 12 Group 4: beginning of Using Assessment in the Process of Learning on page 10 to end of article
20th Century Paradigm Behaviorist Learning Theories Test-teach-test Knowledge as bits Intelligence as innate, unitary, and fixed Psychology EducationMeasurement Schools as factories Educational objectives = jobs Achievement is the accumulation of bits of knowledge Objective tests to measure achievement Adapted from Shepard (2000)
Emergent Paradigm Intellect is socially and culturally developed Learners construct knowledge and understanding New learning shaped by prior knowledge Cognitive and Constructivist Learning Theories Reformed Vision of Curriculum Assessment All students can learn Encourage critical thinking and problem solving Fostering habits of mind A process rather than an event Students active in evaluation process Provides feedback for both teaching and learning Adapted from Shepard (2000)
Some basic premises All students can learn − All students need opportunities to show what they know and can do Learning is complex − Assessing learning is equally complex Assessment can inform learning − Assessment is ongoing and embedded in instruction
Shifts in mathematics assessment towards NCTM, 1995 Who is out front to
Shifts in mathematics assessment Assessing students’ full mathematical power Giving students multiple opportunities to demonstrate their full mathematical power Basing inferences on multiple sources of evidence Viewing students as active participants in the assessment process Comparing students’ performance with established criteria Aligning assessment with curriculum and instruction Regarding assessment as continual and recursive Developing a shared vision of what to assess and how to do it Using assessment results to ensure that all students have the opportunity to achieve their potential Holding all concerned with mathematics learning accountable for assessment results towards NCTM, 1995
Ontario policy statements – Growing Success Know what these are and be ready to talk about them in an interview… − Assessment as, for, and of learning − Role of assessment in improving student learning − Your responsibilities (e.g., transparent, ongoing, descriptive of actions that would improve achievement) Be ready to give some examples of some assessment you may have done or would plan to do (make it up but practise …)
Purposeful Assessment Dr. Lorna Earl
Definitions Assessment for learning Assessment as learning Assessment of learning Instructional Strategy: Graffiti – 3 sheets chart paper – everybody writes at once – different colour markers in each group
The Ontario Achievement Chart
But you need to know what you need to assess before you start your unit of study…
Success Criteria
Write Success Criteria for a unit of study in a grade 9-12 course Make sure you will have enough information to report on the 4 categories at the end of a unit of study.
Exit Card: What does this mean to you? “ The purpose of assessment is to improve student learning.” Ontario Ministry of Education
Questioning – Parallel Tasks
Let’s Try It Again and see if we can determine the mathematics we are supposed to consolidate… Half do part 2 Half do part 1