The Globe Theater
Most popular theater of its time People from all walks of life attended the theater About 3 stories high and held 3,000 people Poorer people would stand on the floor to watch the play Middle class people would sit in the middle sections The rich would watch from the third floor
Special Effects The stage had a trap door, with underneath the stage being called “Hell” To make the sound of thunder, they would roll a bowling ball across the stage Angels would be lowered from the ceiling by ropes, and the stage roof was called “Heaven”
Actors All of the actors during Shakespeare’s time were men. Women were often played by younger boys who hadn’t had their voices deepen yet
The Plays Comedy: ending in marriage Histories: retelling of historical events in a way that would please the current ruler Tragedies: ending in death Romances
Shakespeare Died in 1616 at the age of 52 But his work lives on!