CSMM Working Group Intermediate report. Christian Helft, LAL-IN2P3-CNRS CSMM Working Group Meeting 0 Feb 12, 2004 Some guidelines  Should contain only.


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Presentation transcript:

CSMM Working Group Intermediate report

Christian Helft, LAL-IN2P3-CNRS CSMM Working Group Meeting 0 Feb 12, 2004 Some guidelines  Should contain only material justifying recommendations  On many subjects, complement to the videoconferencing cookbook  Don’t forget “costs vs benefits” almost everywhere

Christian Helft, LAL-IN2P3-CNRS CSMM Working Group Meeting 0 Feb 12, 2004 Outline 1/3  Introduction  Videoconferencing (VC) as a form of computer assisted collaborative work  Typology of computer assisted meetings  Videophone  Ad-hoc meetings  Scheduled meetings (many + a few, several)  Webcast and streaming  Audio meetings  Overview of current practices and trends in VC  VC and standards  HEP needs  Importance of VC for our community  Current practices  By country : UK, France, Italy, Germany, USA, Japan  Major sites : CERN, DESY, FNAL, …  HEP VC infrastructure providers : EsNet, VRVS, IN2P3  (Inter)National VC infrastructures : DFN, RedIRIS, Renater ViDeNet  Current practices assessment

Christian Helft, LAL-IN2P3-CNRS CSMM Working Group Meeting 0 Feb 12, 2004 Outline -2/3  Technology  (H320 - Transcoding - Gateways)  H323  GateKeepers, firewalls and gateways  H350  End point systems  SIP  MPEG2  Wireless  IP Multicast  End to end troubleshooting  Reservation systems  Models  Interoperability  Equipment and room set-up  Desktops - individual systems  Small meeting rooms  Large meeting rooms  Lecture halls

Christian Helft, LAL-IN2P3-CNRS CSMM Working Group Meeting 0 Feb 12, 2004 Outline - 3/3  Industry (equipment and services)  Present offerings  Near term trends  Long term trends  R&D  On-going projects  Access Grid  …  Future  Documentation and references  Recommendations ?  General  deployment steering committee ?  Shared infrastructure  Large institutes  Laboratories  Individuals  Coordination