Elvera Nancie William Norman Mohd Azwan Ab. Rahman Nurul Haziqah Diyana Halim
How do you integrate blog in your teaching? Create a class blog specifically for English lesson Teacher posts the notes/tasks/assignments in the blog – Ss publish their essay/assignments in the blog Peer editing- Peer review –Peer response
How do you integrate in your teaching? Teacher assigns Ss to write weekly journal and Ss submit and attach via One-on-one response
How do you integrate chat in your teaching? Teacher allocates one slot weekly for students and teacher to chat in one channel Teacher assigns Ss topic to discuss e.g current issues, social issues Authentic, increase fluency
How do you integrate project- collaborative writing in your teaching? Writing portfolio – Creative writing Intrigue creativity and enhance writing proficiency
Cause poor hand writing Only applicable for certain group of students Technical problem New technologies always require time, experience and money in order take full advantage of ICT in classroom