1 Kostas Glinos European Commission - DG INFSO Head of Unit, Géant and e-Infrastructures "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission" Málaga, 8 June 2009 ICT Infrastructures for e-Science COM(2009)108 The Communication by the Commission and the case of Networking
2 Scientific advances more important than ever ‐ Global challenges with high societal impact ‐ Innovation and economic development Adoption of ICT changes the scientific discovery process ‐ Computing, simulation and data ‐ Tackling the very small, the very big and the very complex ‐ Cost efficiency ‐ Open, cross-border and cross-discipline collaboration Science and ICT
3 towards a scientific Renaissance The e-Science paradigm shift empirical experimental theoretical computational science e-Science
4 Scientific facilities Linking at the speed of the light Sharing computers, software and instruments Sharing and federating scientific data e-Infrastructures for science …ubiquitous research environments for accessing and sharing resources and tools…
5 Linking at the speed of the light: GÉANT Accessing knowledge: scientific data Innovating the scientific process: global virtual research communities Experimenting in silico: simulation and visualisation Sharing the best computational resources: e-Science grid, supercomputing e-Infrastructures today
6 GÉANT: biggest research & education network in the globe EGEE: world leading grid-infrastructure DEISA: peering European supercomputing capability with that of other regions Data infrastructures: laying down the foundations multi-disciplinary use, easy and open access World Leadership
7 World leadership requires ever-increasing efforts Scientific progress poses new requirements; e.g. ‐ simulations soon at exa-scale level ‐ handling mind-boggling quantities of data ‐ new applications and tools ‐ networking at 100 Gbps Widespread use demands sustainable quality services ICT changes; HW performance increases rapidly Future challenges e-Infrastructures need to embrace new paradigms and include richer functionalities … to support multi-disciplinary teams to transform bits, bytes & flops into scientific discoveries & engineered products
8 A renewed strategy e-Infrastructure Europe: hub of excellence in e-Science Sustainable and continuous services (production quality 24/7) Innovation: exploit know-how beyond science (public services, large scale experimentation,…)
9 … Networking : Reinforce the coordination of national and European policies in the area of RENs Persistent connectivity, higher performance, lower access barriers to distributed resources and instruments GEANT to integrate latest technological trends… to support and use GEANT as an experimental platform leading towards the Internet of the Future Commission will continue to provide support to GEANT to reinforce its capacity and global perpsective Encompassing both advanced and developing regions … Call for Action
10 Member states and regions to collaborate in planning, implementing and sharing ICT R&D infrastructures E.g. experimental facilities for networks, software and services Building on experience with GEANT and Grids Commission to provide support for collaboration platforms Strategy for ICT R&D and Innovation COM(2009) 116
11 Highlight strategic importance of e-Infrastructures …key to overcome fragmentation and digital divide Member States to consider e-Infrastructures in their national roadmaps Commission to ensure Sustainability Global connectivity and interoperability Unimpeded use Conclusions of Competitiveness Council 29 May 2009
12 GEANT to be the leading global Research and Education Network Federating NRENs… … to serve global e-Science collaborations Leading in technology… leading the internet of the future, but also… …seamless production-level services 24/7 Joining forces Member States, REN community and Commission Governance is key European R&E Networking: the ambition
13 European R&E Networking: Guiding principles? Public service mission at European level –Universality –Equal minimal fair access (bridge digital divide) Technological leadership –World class e-Science infrastructure –GEANT - the core of experimental testbeds for Future Internet –GEANT as innovation platform Service orientation –Common service portfolio (within limits of ability) –Agreed service obligations (towards communities, facilities, projects,…) –Production-level service, efficient delivery workflows Global reach –Global connectivity policy
14 New impetus for e-Infrastructure develop’t GEANT at a turning point –Renewed commitment from the Commission –Technology, market and governance challenges –Lead the Future Internet (r)evolution Political process for FP8 to start soon –Time to take stock TNC 2009: unique forum to discuss challenges and opportunities Final words
15 further information