Dona Carmen Denia National High School WEB 2.0 ICT training for teachers
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Students Learn Differently Visual learners Hands-on learners Some understand easily, others need more time
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Personalized Learning Tailored to the needs interest, skills of the students Hard to achieved in a regular classroom
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Digital Natives vs Digital Immigrants
Doña Carmen Denia National High School 21 st Century Skills Solve Problems CommunicateCollaborate
Doña Carmen Denia National High School WEB 1.0 / Web 2.0 Web 1.0 started in 1997 when the World Wide Web overwhelmed the world with the expanded access to information. Now, it’s time for the Web the time for the far- reaching revolution of blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging systems, mashups and content-sharing sites. Web 1.0 started in 1997 when the World Wide Web overwhelmed the world with the expanded access to information. Now, it’s time for the Web the time for the far- reaching revolution of blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging systems, mashups and content-sharing sites.
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Web 1.0 – Web 2.0 Static Brochureware Personal web site Britannica Online Directories (taxonomy) Bookmarking sites Dynamic Customisation Blog Wikipedia Tagging (folksonomy) Social bookmarking
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Web 2.0 The term Web 2.0 is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web. The term Web 2.0 is commonly associated with web applications that facilitate interactive information sharing, interoperability, user-centered design, and collaboration on the World Wide Web.
Doña Carmen Denia National High School What is Web 2.0? The participatory web The amateurization of the web The social web The user-focused web
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Web 2.0 -The Participatory Web. It marks the progression from static. It marks the progression from static web pages to dynamic, interactive ones web pages to dynamic, interactive ones. Read/write web. Read/write web. Sharing, collaboration, & user. Sharing, collaboration, & user involvement involvement. Reviews. Reviews. Comment on news stories. Comment on news stories. Upload photos. Upload photos. Share digital videos. Share digital videos
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Web 2.0 -The Amateurization of the Web The average person can put their work The average person can put their work on the web on the web ex. Photographers, journalists, ex. Photographers, journalists, aspiring writers, students, etc. aspiring writers, students, etc.
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Web The Social Web. Social networking and community-. Social networking and community- oriented sites oriented sites ex.,, ex.,,,,,,, twitter,com, etc., twitter,com, etc.
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Web The User-focused Web. The user needs are catered: participate, organize, read, write & play participate, organize, read, write & play online online
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Everything Everything in Web 2.0 is user-centric. Everything inspires participation, focused conversations, and, in layman’s terms, experimentations and playing. (SMARTschools)
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Web 2.0 WikiBlogs Social Web TweeterPodcasting Learning objects Moodle E-learning Management System
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Web 2.0 Training Wikispaces Google Docs Wordpress blog
Doña Carmen Denia National High School WIKI
WIKI – Social Definition A wiki is a tool for collaboration, information sharing and knowledge/content management.
Doña Carmen Denia National High School WIKI – Technical Definition l A “wiki” is a type of software to run a website that anyone can edit.
Doña Carmen Denia National High School WIKI – Hawaian Definition l “Wiki”: Hawaiian for “any idiot can edit”
Doña Carmen Denia National High School In the beginning -WIKI In 1995, Ward Cunningham invented a type of website software That allowed anyone to modify the site’s content So this “WikiWikiWeb” could grow naturally and efficiently Ward gave this software a catchy name
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Wiki – Essential Characteristics The one that has most strikingly set wikis apart from other web based forums and discussions is that of multiple contributors. Unlike a blog, for example, which has one main identifiable author, a wiki web page may be authored and edited by a number of people. Not only may an individual contributor edit their own work, but also edit the work of others. Some speak of wiki pages in their purest form as never being finished and always in the process of being edited and expanded.
Doña Carmen Denia National High School How can teachers use wikis? Provide a space for free writing. Debate course topics. Share resources, such as websites, annotated bibliographies. Maintain a journal of work performed on group projects. Discuss curricular and instructional innovations.
Doña Carmen Denia National High School How can you introduce wikis to students? Send them to Wikipedia. Introduce them to the rules for writing on wikis. Establish conventions to be established for co-authoring texts. Set up your own wiki, invite them to become a member and participate.
Doña Carmen Denia National High School
Building educational resources for all.
Doña Carmen Denia National High School Certificate of Participation Certificate of Completion