Muon HLT: status of the algorithms and performance Sergio Grancagnolo for the Muon HLT group.


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Presentation transcript:

Muon HLT: status of the algorithms and performance Sergio Grancagnolo for the Muon HLT group

Summary Performances –Efficiencies of muFast, muComb, TrigMoore –Efficiencies and p T resolutions for MuidSA and MuidCB EF –Comparison TrigMuonEF vs TrigMoore –TRT only chains: comparison with all ID reconstruction

LVL2: muFast efficiency wrt LVL1 e322_s461_r534 OFLCOND-SIM e322_s461_r535 known problems of the real detector (dead channels, noisy channels, etc.) vs. p T vs. eta

LVL2: muComb efficiency wrt LVL1 vs. p T vs. eta e322_s461_r534 e322_s461_r535

EF: MS reconstruction wrt LVL2 vs. p T vs. eta e322_s461_r534 e322_s461_r535

EF: Muon extrapolated and combined reconstruction wrt LVL2 e322_s461_r534 e322_s461_r535 Extrapolation Combination

Muon EF: p T resolution Extrapolation Combination e322_s461_r534 e322_s461_r535

TrigMuonEF - Introduction Validation of TrigMuonEF wrt TrigMoore performance Based on AODs produced in , bugfix + tags to fix bug #39808 –MuonRdoToPrepData –RecExCond –MuonRecExample Only mu6 (TrigMoore) and mu6_ef (TrigMuonEF) enabled –Consistent threshold cuts at L2 valid T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.digit.RDO.e322_s46 ~19k ttbar events 8

Efficiency vs eta TrigMoore TrigMuonEF Efficiency   Extrapolator (MuidStandalone) MS Combined (MuidCombined) Efficiency w.r.t. L2 muComb 9

Turn-on curves No cuts pT > 6 GeV pT > 20 GeV pT > 40 GeV Full circles = TrigMoore Open circles = TrigMuonEF Efficiency w.r.t. L2 muComb Efficiency pt Efficiency Extrapolator barrel Extrapolator endcaps Combined endcaps Combined barrel 10

Fake and good tracks Extrapolatio n CombinedExtrapolatio n Combined fakesgoo d fakesgoo d fakesgoo d fakesgoo d mu0196 (2.1%) (0.8%) (2.5%) (0.8%) mu6129 (1.4%) (0.8%) (1.6%) (0.7 %) mu (0.4%) (0.1%) (0.5%) (0.1%) ttbar events Same  R (<0.1) cut for both extrapolation and combined  R distribution extrapolator  R distribution combined TrigMoore TrigMuonEF TrigMoore TrigMuonEF TrigMooreTrigMuonEF 11

eta-phi resolutions vs pt Each resolution (eta,phi) at vertex is comparable The TrigMuonEF Extrapolator has worse phi resolution than TrigMoore TrigMuonEF extrapolator TrigMoore extrapolator TrigMuonEF combined TrigMoore combined 12

p T Resolutions TrigMoore TrigMuonEF The TrigMuonEF Extrapolator has sligthly better p T resolution than TrigMoore for p T <40GeV pt PT resolution Extrapolator (MuidStandalone)Combined (MuidCombined) 13

14 LVL2 ID tracking with TRT Using TRTSegFinder_Muon on a cosmic run No tracks combined Need to pass to the cosmic configuration for ID algos muComb code with TRT only ready (TrigmuComb ) Not yet in the release Require a LVL2 chain under developement

Setup to run TrigMuonEF with TRT only Tested on val,rel_2, (last week) with on tt events Tags required –Reconstruction/MuonIdentification/MuidCombinedTools –Trigger/TrigAlgorithms/TrigMuonEF Instead of –TrigEFIDInsideOut_Muon() –TrigMuonEFCombinerConfig() use –TrigEFIDOutsideInTRTOnly_Muon() –TrigMuonEFCombinerConfigTRTOnly() within Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuPython/python/ TrigMuonEFCombiner configured with –MuidMatchMaker.MatchTrtTracks = True –self.IdTracks = "InDetTrigTrackSlimmerTRTOnly_Muon_EFID" ID tracks name changed from InDetTrigParticleCreation_Muon_EFID to InDetTrigParticleCreationTRTOnly_Muon_EFID

Comparison TRT only / all ID Number of TRT hits shown –More TRT only tracks reconstructed Entries 4365 Entries 4143 All ID Tracks that do not reack TRT TRT only

Comparison TRT only / all ID (II) eta distribution for MS-ID combined tracks –Fake TRT only tracks killed in combination –Lost tracks are outside the TRT acceptance Entries 811Entries 884 All ID TRT only

Conclusions Muon HLT is performing well Transition to TrigMuonEF ready –To be enabled the p T hypo algo if requested First results with TRT only tracks encouraging –To complete configuration for LVL2