Reptiles of Alabama QUIZ
1. Brown Anole
2. Black Racer
2. Coal Skink
3. Snapping Turtle
4. Coral Snake
5. Alligator Snapping Turtle
6. Corn Snake
7. Diamondback
8. Cottonmouth
9. American Alligator
10. Copperhead
11. Box Turtles
12. Eastern Fence Lizard
14. Eastern Indigo
13 Hognose
14 Eastern King Snake
15 Green Anole
18 Ribbon Snake
16 Five Lined Skink
17. Glass Lizard
21. Garter Snake
18 Gopher Tortoise
19 Green Snake
20 Kemp’s Ridley Sea Turtle
21 Milk Snake
22 House Gecko
23 Southern Painted Turtle
24 Mud Snake
29 Rat Snake
25 Red Bellied Turtle
26 Ring Necked Snake
27 Worm Snake
28 River Turtle
29 Timber Rattler
30 Coachwhip
36. All amphibians have 4 feet.
37. Amphibians are found on all the continents.
38. Amphibians are endothermic.
39. Frogs can breath through their skin.
40. About 75% of snakes are venomous.
41. Turtles belong the class testudines.
42. The hellbender is the largest salamander in the world.
43. Tadpoles are carnivores.
44. Crocodiles, turtles, and salamanders cannot stick out their tongue.
45. Animals lose heat faster in water.
46. Amphibians are monoecious.
47. All amphibians have external fertilization of eggs.
48. Anacondas are the largest snakes in the world.
49. Water with a pH higher than 3 will kill frogs.
50. All amphibians have a 4 chambered heart.