Advertisement Techniques
Proliferation (immersing us in the “culture” of wanting a particular thing) Telling us pieces, rather than telling us the whole Appealing to our emotions, rather than to our intellects
A famous person (athlete, celebrity, political figure) endorses a product, idea, or person
Bandwagon – everyone is doing it Sex Appeal – use this product & you’ll be more attractive Popularity – use this product & people will love you Power – use this product & gain power Fame/Wealth – use this product & you have it all!
The slogan is so attractive that no one questions its truth. Ex: “Ultra” “Sure-fire”
“We’re proud to say that we serve individuals, not billions.” – Burger King
Appeal to common, ordinary people. [Michael Mayo,, 16 Oct 2008.]
Toys, gimmicks, clubs, rebates, coupons, additional services.
Age? Social Status? Male? Female? Education level? Political affiliation? Cultural Group?
Identify these techniques in the ad “packet”. Be prepared to present at least one ad, highlighting its persuasive techniques, to the class. (10 points) Following class presentations, write a coherent and complete paragraph identifying what you have learned about propoganda and persuasion from today’s discussion. (10 points) Then, create your own shameless propaganda ad, featuring any product or cause you wish. (30 points) Be prepared to display that ad.