What does this cartoon say?
The Core & Periphery
The disparity of wealth between core and periphery countries is staggering, with 15% of the global population enjoying 75% of the world's annual income.
General Principal is As general prosperity grows worldwide, the majority of that growth is enjoyed by a 'core' region of wealthy countries despite being severely outnumbered in population by those in a 'periphery' that are ignored.
What causes this? there are many barriers, physical and political, that prevent the poorer citizens of the world from participating in global relations.
Characteristics of the Core transnational links, modern development (i.e. higher wages, access to healthcare, adequate food/water/shelter) scientific & technological innovation, economic prosperity. highly industrialized rapidly-growing tertiary sector. EG MEDC!!
Characteristics of the Periphery extreme poverty and a low standard of living. Health care is non-existent in many places, less access to clean water poor infrastructure Dependence upon the core EG LEDC !
The Semi - Periphery A political label which referred to countries suffering struggles and social changes during the 1980s & 1990s E.G LATIN AMERICA & EASTERN EUROPE
Colonial Link Essentially, raw materials were extracted from the periphery and slave labor, sold to core countries where they would be consumed or manufactured, and then sold back to the periphery. Advocates of this theory believe that the damage done by centuries of exploitation have left these countries so far behind that it is impossible for them to compete in the global market.
Most Likely to….. CORE OR PERIPHERY Low birth rate High death rate Longer life expectancy Lower natural increase Lower proportion of population under 15 Higher proportion of population over 65 Low percentage employed in agriculture Low energy consumption Low % living in urban areas High car ownership / 1000 High T.V. ownership /1000 Low population number per doctor High adult literacy