Chapter 15 – Politics, Religion, and War 1.Reading Quiz 2.Finish “Luther” 3.Discuss reading / SCARS chart HW: Finish SCARS chart for the rest of the wars of religion
Subject: Name of the person (or group, event, etc). Years of birth/death. Nationality. Other important/relevant background information should be included depending on the question … Cause / Problem: What happened that instigated action? What problem does the leader have to address? Include appropriate other groups, people, events, etc. Highlight vocab. Action: How did the subject respond to the cause/problem? Again, identify specific vocabulary, people or events. Describe the intent of the action. Response/Result: Does the action work in response to the problem or solve the problem? To what extent? Again, include specific vocabulary that can be used as support. Summary: In a complete sentence, bordering on a thesis statement, write a final argument about the subject/action/response and final outcomes. Think about context, how do all of these pieces fit together?
Remaining Catholic Debt from Hapsburg-Valois wars = need for money; Concordat of Bologna keeps Catholic church from disappearing in France Church remains corrupt because of nepotism and lack of qualifications to hold church offices; this makes Calvinism more appealing (his writings were in French, Switzerland was close) Some towns became divided which caused violent attacks on Protestants (Huguenots)
Catherine de Medici Family from Florence, Italy Wife of Henry II (Valois Dynasty) Regent for sons (ruled in their name) Ruled because sons too young / incompetent (Francis II (died after a little over a year in power); Charles IX, mentally incompetent); Henry III (inefficient)
St.Bartholomew’s Day Massacre Background (RED WEDDING) Aug, 22, 1572 Attempted assassination Coligny (Protestant, advisor of King Charles IX)politics Rising power of Protestants Catherine behind plot Catherine feared son’s response and Huguenots reaction Convinced son of Huguenot coup Swift execution of Protestants (Within 3 days- 20,000 Huguenots killed)
St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre
Charles IX’s Response “But then you must kill all the Huguenots in France so that none shall be left to reproach me. Kill them all! Kill them all!”
Internal Conflict House of Bourbon v. House of Guise (Protestant nobles v. Catholic nobles) Both wanted to overthrow Valois monarchy and start new dynasty civil wars between these groups
Henry III Last Valois king 15 year rule- During civil war (“War of the three Henrys”) Nobles convert to Protestantism to weaken Catholic king Politiques- wanted a strong monarchy, religious tolerance (moderates of both faiths) Appeared Guise might take throne Philip II financially supports Guise Henry III has Duke of Guise murdered
The Rule of Henry IV (of Navarre)
Henry IV of Navarre
Henry IV Heir (from medieval King (St.) Louis IX) House of Bourbon (Huguenots) First Bourbon King – support of Protestants and Catholic politiques 9 years of fighting to gain crown Decisive, fearless, clever politician No support from Catholics in Paris 1593 Henry converts (for country)
Henry IV “Paris is worth a mass” 1598 Edict of Nantes- Huguenots could practice in peace 1 st great act of tolerance Church in every town but Paris Toleration officially recognized by ruler Huguenots make strongholds Will lead to Henry’s death (1610)
Henry Rebuilds Henry wanted to restore France’s prosperity/economy Welfare of commoners- “…every peasant will have a chicken in the pot on Sunday.” Never accomplished this Knew of peasant’s hard life Economic advisors- Duke of Sully helped with finances No more Spanish invasions Bourbon line will become Catholic