Information Theory: Connection to Statistical Mechanics
Information Theory First discussed by the American mathematician, electrical engineer, and computer scientist Claude E. Shannon in his paper “A Mathematical Theory of Communication” published in “The Bell System Technical Journal” October, 1948.
The Connection Between Information Theory & Statistical Mechanics Was first discussed by American Mathematical Physicist Edwin T. Jaynes in his paper “Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics” published in “The Physical Review” May, 1957.
Edwin T. Jaynes ( ) Some of his many research areas: Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics “Neo-Classical Electrodynamics” Quantum Mechanics Probability Theory: “Maximum Entropy” Methods Trained as a theorist, but ALWAYS did experiment also!! Career: Stanford University ( ) Washington University in St. Louis ( )
First Publication to Make a Connection Between Statistical Mechanics & Information Theory Almost 5,000 Citations since the 1957 publication date!! Almost 10 Million hits on Google! A Personal Note: E.T. Jaynes was the professor who taught me graduate statistical mechanics! (At Washington University in St. Louis)