Fit Family Challenge Data Collection
Data Collection Some Frequently Asked ???: Is this a clinical trial? No, this is a pilot program. You will not be required to have the child/parent sign informed consent. If this is not a clinical trial, why are we required to collect data? Data collection helps us: 1) see if the program is actually working! 2) see if we need to make any changes to the program. 3) possibly have data for reimbursement 4) possibly receive future funding.
Data Collection What data will each practice need to collect? See Fit Family Challenge Flow Diagram and Data Collection Table Sources of Data: Online Provider Pre-and-Post Survey Heart Smart Kids Kiosk (baseline) Weight/height/blood pressure entered into HSK data base (baseline, 6-mo, 12 mo) Weight/height/blood pressure entered into data collection sheet (monthly) Weekly contact data (method of contact, update on action plan goal, brief note)
Data Collection Measureme nt Type of Measurement/S urvey Timeline Baseline6 Months12 Months FFC Provider Survey Online SurveyXX BMI TrackingOnline SurveyXX Change in BMI Clinical AssessmentXXX Change in BPClinical AssessmentXXX Lifestyle Changes Heart Smart Kids Assessment XXX Labs (if available) Clinical AssessmentXXX Child/Family FFC Satisfaction Survey SurveyX
Data Collection FFC Provider Survey: Pre and Post survey that asks providers at each practice about current practices & beliefs around current care of pediatric obese patient population Online survey sent out through Survey Monkey You will receive an that invites you to take this survey Will take <10 minutes to complete Please Cara the addresses of the rest of the providers in your practice so that they can also complete the survey Post survey will be ed out at the end of the project
Data Collection Flow All children who have appts for physical or sports physical will be given project # and directed to HSK kiosk in practice lobby. MA/office staff enters weight/height/BP into HSK site July-early Sept.: those kids with BMI >85% will be invited to participate in FFC If they agree, meet with CM to review program and set action plan goal. This info entered into data collection sheet.
Data Collection Flow Data Collection Sheet (see example) Weekly: enter type of contact, update action plan goal, short note. Intended to take <5 min/child Monthly at class: retake weight/height/BP and enter into data collection sheet. Enter any other comments/notes. 6 & 12 months: at individual appts: child/parent retakes HSK survey, retake weight/height/BP and enter into HSK website
Data Collection Sheet These will be available via Google docs. After training, each CM will be set up with a Google docs account. You will find the spreadsheet here to complete. We will discuss data collection on each monthly CM conference call.
Data Collection How to collect data matters: Weight/height: ask child to remove shoes, jackets, empty pockets (phones, ipods) Blood pressure: if possible, have rest a couple of minutes in chair before taking measurement
Data Collection More ???: Do I need to add data right away into the data collection sheet, or can I wait until later? You can wait until later if you have recorded weight/height/BP someplace else (chart). You can enter these data later. All data sheets should be updated weekly. What happens if I forget to take a measurement? If possible, please have the child come in at the next earliest appt to gather these data. What happens if the child/parent don’t show for a class or appt? Ask if they can come in on another day (preferably w/in the week) to measure weight/height/BP.
Data Collection Other Questions???