February 26 – March 1, 2012 ♦ Phoenix, Arizona Session # 90 Long–Term Stewardship at DOE’s Hanford Site Abstract #12575 Authors & Affiliation : Rick Moren: Mission Support Alliance Keith Grindstaff: DOE Richland Office
Overview of Hanford and LTS 586 Sq. Miles 46 miles of Columbia River Shoreline 9 Production Reactors 11 Processing Facilities 177 Underground Storage Tanks 53 Million gallons of Liquid Waste Stored 685 Acres of Burial Grounds including 43 Miles of Disposal Trenches
Rocky Flats, CO Mound, OH Fernald, OH
Hanford’s LTS Program Early Collaboration with Stakeholders Tribal Nations Hanford Advisory Board Regulators Identification of Requirements Implementing/guiding documents Teamwork between Cleanup contractors Mission Support Contract and DOE
Hanford’s LTS Program Contract Structure – Facilitates Collaboration Cleanup Contracts are responsible for Cleanup Mission Support responsible for LTS
Hanford’s LTS Program Objectives of LTS Program Plan Manage the land and remedies Manage resources (cultural, biological and ecological) Manage the information 15 Key Activities Surveillance and Maintenance Environmental Monitoring Information Management
Hanford’s LTS Program
Summary Hanford’s LTS program is operational Schedule and Plans are in place Segments are being transitioned Successful through early collaboration among Stakeholders, Cleanup and Mission Support contractors and DOE New and dynamic to handle changing financial, operational and environmental conditions Built to support efficient transfer of land
What’s in Store for LTS? LTS is an upcoming chapter of the Emmy winning “The Hanford Story” Part of the Changing Culture Beyond Cleanup
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Cleanup Projects
Program Plan Activities 1. Conduct administrative activities. 9. Conduct monitoring and maintenance of completed natural injury restoration projects. 2. Conduct surveillance and maintenance of physical remedies and institutional controls. 10. Ensure the safety and health of LTS workers. 3. Conduct CERCLA 5-year reviews. 11. Provide quality assurance. 4. Conduct environmental monitoring of the remedies. 12. Manage and budget necessary funding. 5. Protect and manage Site resources. 13. Interface with other Hanford Site programs. 6. Manage LTS information. 14. Interface with external entities. 7. Provide emergency services and response. 15. Continuous process improvement. 8. Manage post-cleanup completion infrastructure.