Suwon Park, Josianne Germann
Formula:H 3 PO 4 Density:1.88 g/cm³ Melting Point:42.35° C Boiling Point:158 o C Has a low pH (strong acid!)
Clear, colorless liquid When added to a soft drink, gives a tangy flavor Inorganic acid
Removes rusts from metal objects Can be used as a medicine (anit-nausea medication) Can be used to clean your teeth (dentists use) Can be used to press the food
Hair coloring (other color dying products) Bleach Nail polish Dry cat food Body wash Tooth paste Shampoo
In space, if you don’t have phosphoric acid, you won’t be able to clean the spaceships when it is dirty If the space ships are not clean, the engine might get stuck and all yucky which will lead to a broken space ship
Scientist (to make it) Air (oxygen and hydrogen) Phosphoric acid Fire
Made up of phosphorus, hydrogen, and oxygen When pentoxide and water are combined.. Reacting a concentrated nitric acid and red phosphorus
It is very easy to make It is cheap to make compare to others Can be used for useful things (like cleaning detergents, fertilizers, helps remove rust)
Big industrial product If we didn’t produce it… Fertilizers, coke, cleaning detergents will not exist
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/ / centre/2009/march/coca_cola_announces_the_carbon_footpri nts_of_some_of_its_best_loved_brands.html centre/2009/march/coca_cola_announces_the_carbon_footpri nts_of_some_of_its_best_loved_brands.html about-phosphoric-acid-yes-that-chemical-in-coca-cola/ about-phosphoric-acid-yes-that-chemical-in-coca-cola/ Conditioner-Review Conditioner-Review