Welcome to Puffins
A year in Puffins…………….. Who are the teachers? House keeping. Class rules. Behaviour: weather system, sticker charts and special awards. New Curriculum – Information and tests. Puffin class topic focuses.
Who are the teachers? Lauren Denny: Puffin Class teacher. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning. History co-ordinator. Jo Joyce: Puffin Class teacher. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Inclusion and diversity, including SENCO.
Class House Keeping. The start of the day: member of staff on duty bell rung and children to line up. - Children to independently enter the class. Pegs/drawers: - Each child has their own peg and drawer. - Girls are in Puffin toilets. Boys are in Kingfishers. Responsibilities: - Children to hand up coats. - Place book bags in the provided boxes. One from boys and one for girls. Home/school diary: - Children remove their home/school diary and give it to an adult in the class. - If children need to take their reading test. they need to put their name on the board. Newsletter: - Will go out weekly. The newsletter will be available on a Friday and on the school website. Website: -
Homework Each week there will be one piece of Maths homework and one piece of English form. The English homework will be in the form of 10 spellings. Spellings will be sent home on a Thursday and tested the following week. Spellings will be stuck in home/school diary. Sometimes there will be topic homework, when it is appropriate to learning.
Rules and behaviour strategies used in Puffins. Weather system: - Sun: all here at start of the day - Cloud: If rules broken after warning. - Rain: If rules repeatedly broken. Parents made aware. - Thunder: Removed form class to head teachers. House points: - Given in the form of marbles. Stickers: - Hard work leading to progress and good manners. - Purple / Green / Red Blue / Gold sticker sheets - Completed sticker charts are sent to head and a certificate is issued at the end of the term. Postcard home: - Exceptional ongoing work/behaviour. Head teacher awards: - These awards are given weekly. - The awards recognised a piece of outstanding work.
New Curriculum Year 1: Year 2: National curriculum changed at the start of the academic year Levels changed with a focus on levelling a breadth of skills, rather than a race to hit a level: - Emerging— Starting to work towards the end of year expectations. - Expected— Working within the end of year expectations. - Exceeding—Secure in almost all or all the end of year expectations and is able to use and apply their knowledge and skills confidently.
Puffin Topics Autumn Maths: Numbers/Place value/Addition Place value/Word Problems/ Repeated addition/ and Subtraction/Money/Length/ Multiplication/Division/Fractions/Money/Capacity/ Weight/ Days & Months/2D Shapes Time/2D shapes/Statistics English:Instructions / 3 Pigs Recipes / Red Riding Hood Science: Materials & Weather Animals, including humans Topic: Great Fire Guy Fawkes/Sinterklaas R.E.: Symbols and artefacts Computing: Super slideshows Perfect posters. Art + DT: Sculpture + Drawing Sliders and levers.
Collaboration Homework. Parent readers. Visitors: Interesting talks from community and parents. Visits.
Questions Please contact Lyn through the office at Tattingstone if you have any questions you wish to be answered.