How long could you survive without food? Up to 60 days! What about water? 3 – 5 days
Why is it so important? 71% of Earth’s surface 60% of our bodies – most in our cells! No living thing can survive without it 97.5% of water on earth is Salt Water 2.4% that is fresh is locked in ice 0.1% is available fresh water!
Surface Water – water on top Groundwater – water down below (aquifers) We are currently using ½ the available surface water In the 1900s, human population tripled, our consumption of water increased by 7X
How do we use fresh water? 70% is used for agriculture (globally) 9% used for agriculture in Canada Industry Power Plant cooling Public (residential) Canada only has 0.5% of the world’s population but 20% of the world’s fresh water. We also have the 2 nd highest per- capita use of water.
Average Water Use in Canadian Homes What programs encourage us to reduce water use?
Too Little Water - Causes Dry Climate – increasing in some areas Demand – overpopulation, withdrawal for irrigation and industry Some areas – rainy season but cannot store it all. Example: India – a few hours of rain during the monsoons provides ½ the rainfall for a 4 month period!
1 in 6 people do not have access to clean fresh water 1.1 billion people live on less than $1 per day – and cannot afford a safe supply of drinking water These people must collect water from unsafe sources or buy water from suppliers at high prices (price for a bottle of Coke vs. bottle of water)
How to Increase Water Supplies? Withdraw more OR Waste less Build dams to create reservoirs – but there are problems – stagnation, ecosystem damage etc. Pipe/ship water from somewhere else Build wells (withdraw groundwater) Desalination: convert salty seawater to fresh water (expensive!) Towing icebergs – no one has figured out how to do it cheaply! But it has been suggested!
Saudi Arabia is leading in desalination water processing
Rich vs Poor countries People in developed countries can live where the climate is favourable and bring in water from somewhere else In developing countries, most people must settle where the water is
Reduce water waste We waste 2/3 of the water we use! How? Should municipal water supplies be more expensive?
Privatization of Water Should only governments control water resources? Or should private companies be allowed to manage water resources and sell it at a profit? Bottled water companies What’s “wrong” with bottled water?
Tapped Out Movie – 24 minutes 494a552d-685a-418a-913e-e3eab3a71a1e 494a552d-685a-418a-913e-e3eab3a71a1e