Honors/AP Chemistry
Heartburn? What is heartburn? a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation in the chest, caused by acid regurgitation into the esophagus What do you do for heartburn? Take mylanta, tums, or rolaids How does mylanta, tums, or rolaids work on heart burn? 2HCl + Mg(OH) 2 → MgCl 2 + 2H 2 O stomach acid + Mylanta → salt and water acidic (red) neural (green) basic (blue) neutralization reaction
Grades Grade Scale 90%-↑A 80-89%B 70-79%C 60-69%D 59%-↓F Grade Break down Honors 60% Tests/Quizzes 25% Lab 15% Homework Grade Break down AP 65% Tests 25% Lab 10% Homework
Test/ Quizzes Honors Always announced Sometime know 3 weeks in advanced Tests multiple choice/ short answers Quizzes multiple choice Fill-in Math problems AP Always announced Tests multiple choice/free response Quizzes multiple choice Free response
Labs Honors There are approximately 16 labs Lab write ups Formal writing assessments Students have handouts for formats/rubric AP Lab write ups 16 total labs 6 inquiry based Formal writing assessments Students have handouts for formats/rubric
Homework Every night minutes Quest Online homework Worksheets, studying for tests/quizzes, lab write-ups, science fair
Science Fair Students will conduct their own science experiment. All students are expected to Present at the science fair (attendance is mandatory) Write a scientific research paper Construct a poster board Keep a log book This is graded in both 1 st and 2 nd semesters
How To Help My Child Check child’s grades Make sure they are practicing every night My Website Tutoring Mon.-Fri. 7-7:45 with me Tues. 3-5 with Mr. Garcia Let’s sign up for Remind101 Honors Honors AP AP
Scheduling a Conference Call ext. 2514