Physics 11 Mr. Jean November 2 nd, 2011
The plan: Video clip of the day Movember Review of 2d forces Inclined Plane problems Inclined Planes & 2d forces
Movember: I am going to let you people decide. –There are three options I’m considering. –They will be shown in the next 3 slides. Each cent counts for a vote. 1 penny = 1 vote. 1 toonie = 200 votes.
Movember: Collecting voting money until Friday. Collecting money all month for the cause. All money given will be directly donated to the Cancer Society My goals –Minimum of 50 dollars raised –To out do Mr. Cooper either in beard or money raised..
Forces in two-dimensions: A 45kg crate is being pulled eastwards horizontally across the floor. The coefficient of friction is 0.2. You pull the crate with a force of 115 N at an angle of 15 degrees. What is the acceleration?
Draw the “Force Diagram”:
Write down the known variables:
Begin to solve the problem: Find normal force: NOTE: We must account for upwards pull by rope. (F vertical will reduce F n ’s load) F n =
F f = is opposing the horizontal acceleration Once we find F f we can then compare the F net to determine the horizontal motion. Find Force of Friction:
Problems to work on: P. 171 –Question #11 & 12 –Solutions in 20 minutes