Chameleon Defenses The chameleons camouflage makes it blend in. It will also hiss and bite. They also have sharp claws. Their enemies are Eagles.
Chameleon Characteristics Large chameleons eat small birds, small mammals and all chameleons eat insects. Chameleons have sharp teeth and a long tongue for eating and a long tail for gripping limbs.
Habitats Most chameleons are found in Madagascar but some live in southern Spain. Chameleons spend most of their life in trees. M
Chameleon Classification Chameleons are reptiles. They can grow up to 14 inches long. They’re covered with scales. Chameleons lay up to 40 eggs. They have sharp teeth.
Extra Facts Jackson chameleons have horns. The Dwarf chameleon doesn’t lay eggs. Big chameleons eat small birds. Their tongue is as long as their body.
Resources (Books) CHAMELEONS by: Martin Louise