EvolutionEvolution: How It All Began… Madagascar was first discovered in 200BC The Longitude of Madagascar is 20 degrees and the Latitude is 47 degrees. The area of Madagascar is 587, 040km 2 The population in 2016: 25, 124, 178. And the population in 2005: 18, 040, 341.So there is a difference of 7, 083, 837.( This was when we researched it.) Madagascar was first discovered in 200BC A satellite image of Madagascar. A map of Madagascar
Evolution: Fauna (animals) List of endemic species: Tenrec, Fossa, Aye-aye and many more. TenrecFossaAye-aye Then: in Madagascar there used to be a huge 10ft bird called the elephant bird. One of its 20 pound eggs could make an omelette that could feed 150 people.the elephant bird Now: The Aye-aye today is highly threatened by habitat loss and hunting. In some areas, local people believe the aye-aye brings bad luck and will kill the animal whenever they encounter it. Interesting facts: About 75% of the species found in Madagascar live nowhere else on the planet. Source: ascar.org/wildlife/animals.htmlhttp:// ascar.org/wildlife/animals.html 99% of the frogs in Madagascar are endemic. ammes/b00pd2fk/clips ammes/b00pd2fk/clips
Evolution: Flora (plants) List of endemic species: Baobab, Alluaudia spiny plant, Travellers palm and many more. Then: In Madagascar scientists have found a baobab tree which is 1, 600yrs old. baobab tree Now: Now there are more than 12,000 plant species. Interesting facts: Of the 8 species of baobab found in the world, six are endemic to Madagascar An entire family of plants, the Didiereaceae is unique to Madagascar. Didiereaceae plants are found in the arid southwest and closely resemble some forms of cacti. Madagascar has nearly 1000 known species of orchids, of which 85% are endemic. Source: dagascar.org/flora/
Evolution: Landscapes. The east coast consists of a narrow band of lowlands, about 50km wide, formed from the sedimentation of alluvial soils. Natural hazards include: periodic cyclones, drought and locust infestations. Over time in Madagascar the landscape (in particular areas) trees have been cut down for paper and other resources. Tsingy
Photos. Ring-tailed Lemur. Periwinkle Flufftail The flag Overview.
Summary. Our case study has provided evidence of evolution in Madagascar by, as you saw with the Elephant Bird, creatures evolved and using survival of the fittest, became extinct. Madagascar full of evolutionary uniqueness as there are thousands of endemic species. ‘Madagascar – an island off the coast of Africa- has some of the worlds most interesting animals.’ Quote from wild Madagascar.com