Building Partnerships for Enhanced Analysis and Utilization of Census Data Pretoria 25 March 2014 UN Regional Seminar on Promotion and Utilization of Census Results and on Revision of the Principles and Recommendations for PHCs
OutlineOutline 11 Strategy for Data Analysis and Dissemination – an overview22 Key Elements of the Strategy33 Background
BackgroundBackground 27 years of civil war and short-term/emergency- driven planning Low culture of evidence-based policy making 33 Limited capacity to analyze and interpret data 44 Upcoming PHC 2014 (May), the first in 44 years – Major Opportunity to: Respond to growing demand for statistics for decision-making Strengthen the national (INE and Academia) capacity to analyze and interpret data
Strategy for Data Analysis and Dissemination – An overview 22 Based on Three main pillars: Timely publication of results Preliminary results – 3 months after data collection Final results – up to 18 months after data collection Strengthening of Institutional and Technical Capacity Enhancing the use of the PHC data for evidence- based policy making at all levels (National, Provincial, municipality) Based on Three main pillars: Timely publication of results Preliminary results – 3 months after data collection Final results – up to 18 months after data collection Strengthening of Institutional and Technical Capacity Enhancing the use of the PHC data for evidence- based policy making at all levels (National, Provincial, municipality)
Strategy for Data Analysis and Dissemination – An overview 22 Identification of key stakeholders/users led to plans for drafting 8 thematic reports and other products Partnerships at the core of the strategy: Stakeholders groups – for regular consultations, fostering producer-user communication and building users’ ownership of the reports MoU with key universities – for ensuring university researchers to participate, including access to the microdata for academic research at a later stage Sister and UN Agencies – for direct technical support or for help in identifying international experts Identification of key stakeholders/users led to plans for drafting 8 thematic reports and other products Partnerships at the core of the strategy: Stakeholders groups – for regular consultations, fostering producer-user communication and building users’ ownership of the reports MoU with key universities – for ensuring university researchers to participate, including access to the microdata for academic research at a later stage Sister and UN Agencies – for direct technical support or for help in identifying international experts
Key Elements of the Strategy 33 Main themes Identified Demography - Migration, civil registration, Mortality, … Education - Highest level attended, access to primary and secondary education, … Children characteristics - Orphanhood, civil registration, child labor,… Youth characteristics – Employment, access to ICT, … Women characteristics – Fertility, maternal mortality, … Housing, household characteristics and environment - Water and sanitation, waste disposal, … Economic activity characteristics Gender characteristics
Key Elements of the Strategy 33 Enhanced Stakeholders’ Participation A Stakeholders Committee established for consultation throughout the drafting process At least 3 consultations workshops will be organized for: Feedback gathering on plans of analysis; First draft of the reports; Official Launching of the thematic reports
Key Elements of the Strategy 33 Technical Teams A professional firm will be hired for technical support and coordination Teams for each theme will be structure into 3 levels to ensure capacity building and nationally contextualized content: Thematic Expert (provided by the consultant firm) Data Analyst (provided by the consultant firm) National Analysts (INE staff or experts hired locally)
Thank you (Obrigado) (Obrigado)