by :Joshua and Reigan
Food They ate berries, squash, corn, herbs, corn bread, soup and stew.
Climate It was very hot and over 95 f.
Shelter They live in New York state and then they came to Michigan. Some Iroquois live in New York today.
Clothing The Iroqouis men wore breech cloths with long leg arms. Women wore wraparounds skirts.Women also wore overdresses.
Natural Resources The Iroqouis liked music. Their instruments are flutes and drums.
Travel Iroquois Indians did use elm-bark or dug- out canoes. But,they usually prefer land travel.
Interesting Facts The Iroquois do arts and crafts and mask carving,bead work,pourcipine quill work and designs pictures. Iroquois also used weapons. They used clubs and bow and arrows
Credits Clip art girl/boy-Reigan Typer-Joshua Pictures-clip art Slide show-Microsoft PowerPoint