Vocabulary Review
Complete one of the prompts on each slide to prove that you know the vocabulary words. A = 5 points B = 4 points C = 3 points D = 2 points
Example: In my classroom, I DO NOT condone cell phone use. I DO condone using highlighters in your notebook. In my relationships, I do not condone…. On my team, I condone. In public, I do not condone
I find ____________ very droll. It’s not droll when people ____________; it’s just obnoxious.
I think people are affable when they ____________. You can tell someone is not affable when they ____________.
One disarming action is ____________. ____________ is the opposite of disarming.
When someone at a game ____________, it’s deplorable. When someone ____________ in class, it’s deplorable. When a parent ____________, it’s deplorable.
The one amenity that I absolutely need is my ____________. One amenity I wish I had is ____________.
I have eluded ____________ who was/were chasing me. You can elude teachers in this school by ____________. You can elude your ex by ____________.
I have scruples about ____________. Some people don’t have any scruples about ____________.
With a partner, show how to be solicitous.
It is imperative that I ____________ or I will get in big trouble with my family. It is imperative that I ____________ or I will get in big trouble with my friends. It is imperative that I ____________ or I will get in big trouble with my boyfriend/girlfriend.
As a hunter, my quarry is ____________. As an athlete, my quarry is ____________. As student, my quarry is ____________.
I’m zealous about ____________.
It’s really uncanny when ____________. The opposite of uncanny is ____________.
Hold up something that’s tangible. Tell me about something that’s intangible.
I have more ____________ stamina than ____________ stamina. (physical, emotional, or mental) I wish I had more ____________ stamina.