BY: Dylan Cromer
- Avid Music Junkie - Play a few different Instruments - I sing
History - Started in early Christianity - Churches use these in choirs How to form this kind of group -What kind of music works best -What vocals would be required -How to match pitch and harmonize -How to make the group sound as one
Aaron Hodges He is in charge of music worship at church He went to college for music and composition Taught me how to compose the music we did and how to arrange it After hearing my story with my first facilitator, he immediately was willing to help He was a great joy to be around learn from
A CAPPELLA GROUP -Form an all vocal a cappella group - Perform a mini concert
Musical groups that are accompanied by instruments can rely on the instruments for proper key and pitch A Cappella groups rely solely on the singers and their voices I wanted to take on the task of putting a group together to sing only
Find my singers - Soprano - Alto - Tenor - Bass Schedule Practice Schedule Performance
Anna: Alto Corbin: Bass
Eden: Soprano
Kyler: Tenor/ Lead
I was conducting and playing to give them their pitch
Me on the piano so the group could match pitches for their parts
Kyler rehearsing his parts At Kyler’s working with him to get his parts down
Anna At our first rehearsal
My biggest issues were getting people to be reliable My first facilitator stopped for a month before I decided to get a new one Time Management Also learning to read music again
I learned how to read music again I also learned how to compose music and write in my own pieces
No It was something I had to rely on too many people However I’ll probably do something with music
Great to learn if I wanted to do this as my future Fun I enjoyed the challenge