Bullying What is it really?really
Bullying Defined Is unwanted, aggressive behavior Involves a real or perceived imbalance of power, Behavior is repeated or has potential to be repeated
Bullying Actions Making threats Spreading rumors Attacking someone physically or verbally Excluding someone from a group on purpose
Imbalance of Power Kids who bully use their power- such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity to control or harm others.
Repetition Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.
Four types of Bullying VerbalSocialPhysicalCyber
Verbal Bullying Teasing Name calling Inappropriate sexual comments Taunting Threatening to cause harm
Social Bullying Leaving someone out on purpose Telling others not to be friends with someone Spreading rumors about someone Embarrassing someone in public or in front of peers
Physical Bullying Hitting, kicking or pinching SpittingTripping/pushing Taking or breaking someone’s things Making mean or rude hand gestures
Cyberbullying Mean text messages or s, Rumors sent by or posted on social networking sites, Embarrassing pictures, videos, websites or fake profiles.
Cyberbullying Social Media
Cyberbullying video 5PZ_Bh-M6o
What is Cyber bullying Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology and includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.bullying
Examples of Cyber Bullying mean text messages or s, rumors sent by or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles.
Are you a Cyberbully? Take the assessment Give yourself 1 point for each of these things you have done 1-2 times. Give yourself 2 points for each of these things you have done 3-5 times Give yourself 3 points for each of these things you have done more than 5 times.
Have you…. Signed in with someone else’s screen name to gather information? Sent an or online message from someone else’s account? Impersonated someone online? Teased, frightened or threatened someone online? Sent messages anonymously? Forwarded a private conversation, picture, or post?
Have you…. Posted pictures or information about someone without their consent? Created an online poll about someone without their consent? Used information found online to follow, tease, embarrass, or harass someone in person? Sent rude or hateful things to someone (even if you were joking?) Signed someone else up for something online without their permission?
Have you…. Used or created a social media account that looked like someone else’s? Used someone’s password without their permission? Hacked into someone’s computer or account? Insulted someone during an online game? Posted rude things or lies about someone online? Voted at an online bashing poll or posted to a social poll site mean or rude things about someone?
Where do you score? 0-5 points- Cyber Saint 6-10 points- Cyber Risky points-Cyber Sinner More than 18: Cyber Bully
Nationwide, 20% of students in grades 9-12 experience bullying.
What can you do?
Did you know….Colleges and employers look at your social media accounts? Colleges may deny admission to their school. Colleges may deny admission to their school. Employers have denied jobs to applicants based on posting on their Facebook pageEmployers have denied jobs to applicants based on posting on their Facebook page. Employers have denied jobs to applicants based on posting on their Facebook page
Break the Chains