Student/Parent Class Registration Oneonta High School
OCS Diploma Options Beginning with 2017 Graduation Cohort UNITS OF CREDITAlabama State Diploma Alabama State Diploma with Oneonta City Academic Endorsement Alabama State Diploma with Oneonta City Advanced Academic Endorsement English444 Math444 Science444 Social Studies444 Physical Education111 Health.5
Con’t OCS Diploma Options Beginning with 2017 Graduation Cohort UNITS OF CREDITAlabama State Diploma Alabama State Diploma with Oneonta City Academic Endorsement Alabama State Diploma with Oneonta City Advanced Academic Endorsement Career Preparedness111 CTE and/or Foreign Lang and/or Art 333 Electives2.5 Requirements-1 Foreign Language -Complete PreCalculus -One (1) AP Course -2 Foreign Languages (same language) -Additional math above PreCalculus -Three (3) AP Courses Total Credits24
OHS Electives Elective Courses 9 th Grade Electives 10 th Grade Electives 11 th Grade Electives12 th Grade Electives Foreign Language (all 1 credit each) Spanish ISpanish I or IISpanish I, II or III Fine Art-Vocals I (.5 and 1) -Varsity Band I (1) -Vocals II (.5 and 1) -Varsity Band II (1) -Vocals III (.5 and 1) -Varsity Band III (1) -Vocals IV (.5 and 1) -Varsity Band IV (1) Career Tech (all 1 credit each) Foundation Courses -Fundamental Agriscience -Business Tech -FACS -Fund of Agriscience or Intermediate Agriscience -Business Tech or Finance/Accounting -FACS or Family Studies Y1 (Courses are sequenced) -Fund of Agri or Interm Agri or Advanced Agriscience -Business Tech or Finance/Accounting -FACS or Family Studies Y1 or Family Studies Y2 (Courses are sequenced) -Blount County Career Tech Center -Fund of Agri or Interm Agri or Advanced Agriscience -Business Tech or Finance/Accounting -FACS or Family Studies Y1 or Family Studies Y2 (Courses are sequenced) -Blount County Career Tech Center
OHS Electives Elective Courses 9 th Grade Electives 10 th Grade Electives11 th Grade Electives12 th Grade Electives Physical Education (all 1 credit each) -LIFE PE or Varsity Band -LIFE PE -Advanced PE -LIFE PE -Advanced PE -LIFE PE -Advanced PE Driver’s Education -Must have driver’s permit Summer only-Driver’s Ed (.5) Yearbook (all 1 credit each) NA-Journalism I (application/interview process) -Journalism II (application/interview process) -Journalism III (application/interview process) Broadcasting (all 1 credit each) NA -WOHS (application/interview process) -WOHS (application/interview process) ACCESS – Web Based Courses Counselor Approval
OHS Course Catalog The OHS Course Catalog can be viewed on the school’s website in three separate locations. 1.Under “Latest News” 2.Under “Publications” 3.Under “Counselor’s Corner” click on “Files” at the top of the page to download the course catalog.
OHS Course Catalog Table of Contents - Promotion/Eligibility/NCAA - College and Career Readiness - Advanced Placement - Process of Scheduling - Grade Scale/Course Average/GPA - Diploma Options/Requirements - Blount County Career Tech Center - Course Offerings: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Electives - Dual Enrollment - ACCESS - OHS Transcript and Credit Review
Summer Driver’s Education Tentatively - Class Monday through Friday 8:00am-12:00pm Week 1 of June and Week 2 July - Driving will be scheduled for a total of two hours - Approximate costs $ See Coach Elrod for enrollment Advantages of taking summer driver’s education - Possible insurance discounts - Schedule flexibility Difficult to pair Driver’s Ed with minimum half credit courses (Vocals, Music Elective, and Advanced PE)
Math Pathways Path8 th Grade9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade A1Algebra AAlgebra BGeometryAlgebra with Finance or Algebra II w/Trig A2Algebra 1GeometryAlgebra II with TrigPreCalculus A3Algebra IPreAP Geometry PreAP Algebra II w/Trig PreCalculusAP Calculus OHS Student Handbook statement : “Students who complete Algebra I in the eighth grade will be required to take four (4) additional math credits at Oneonta High School.” Students who receive a Carnegie unit/credit for Algebra I in eighth grade will not be allowed to retake Algebra I their ninth grade year.
ACCESS Distance Learning Web-Based (Online) Courses – Counselor Approval Additional Foreign Languages – French I and Latin I Web Design I (full year; prerequisite computer application or keyboarding) Algebraic Connections (Juniors only who have completed 10 th grade geometry)
ACCESS Distance Learning Web-Based (Online) Courses – Counselor Approval Psychology (½ credit) & Sociology (½ credit) (11 th and 12 th grade students who are reading on grade level) *ACCESS course requests will be processed. Courses may or may not be offered according if funding is available.
Dual Enrollment OHS partners with Snead State Community College and Wallace State Community College. This program is available to 11 th -12 th grade students who have received approval from their high school and meet requirements to receive both college credit and high school credit. All tuition, books, and fees are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Career Technical Scholarship Application (If interested, see Mrs. Gibbs for details.)
Dual Enrollment Criteria Students enrolled in Oneonta High School, who are at least 16 years of age, who are classified as juniors or seniors, who have a 3.0 GPA, and are eligible for enrollment under the Alabama State Board of education Alabama Administrative Code, Rule No , may take approved courses in Alabama’s public colleges, universities, or technical institutes in which they have been admitted. Students shall pay normal tuition and fees as required by the postsecondary institution. Such students shall receive post-secondary credit hours and high school Carnegie unit credit for work successfully completed up to the amount normally required to complete the high school diploma program. Students/parents must provide their own transportation to dual enrollment courses offered off- campus.
Dual Enrollment More board policy information can be viewed through the Oneonta City Schools board policy. Dual Enrollment packets are available in the high school counselor’s office on a quarterly basis for completion and returned to the high school counselor by the deadline listed on the packet. Please check website for availability and deadline under Counselor’s Corner Calendar. Summer 2016 Dual Enrollment packets will be available Friday, March 4, 2016.
Dual Enrollment *MTH125 and MTH126 – Principal approval Note: Even though a student can receive 1.0 Carnegie unit of high school credit for one college level course, each LEA has the right to set guidelines for preparing students for future high school coursework. High School CoursesCollege Course Timeline 11 th Grade US HistoryHIS201HIS202Summer after completing 10 th Gr US HistoryDuring junior year PreCalculusMTH112MTH113Summer after completing Algebra II with TrigDuring school year after completing Algebra II with Trig 11 th Grade EnglishENG101Summer after completing 10 th Gr EnglishDuring junior school year 12 th Grade EnglishENG101ENG102Summer after completing 11 th Gr EnglishDuring senior school year
High School Credit Classes High school credited classes will go on a high school transcript. A high school transcript will impact the rest of your educational career. GPA (Grade Point Average) Class rank Colleges first snapshot of you
A+ College Ready Program Implementation Beginning the , Oneonta City Schools System began offering a more rigorous course pathway for our students.
AP Potential Studies have shown that the rigor of a student's high school curriculum is the single best predictor of success in college. It has also been proven that students who take rigorous course work obtain higher college entrance exam scores such as the ACT and SAT.
CollegeBoard release: “Admission officers are not impressed by straight As when they are all earned in easy courses. Many colleges recalculate applicants’ GPAs, giving extra points for PreAP or AP courses.” “Students should take a balanced load, one that allows them to devote the necessary time to each course. Colleges look for quality, not quantity.” CollegeBoard
AP and PreAP Grade Weights per OHS Handbook Statement “Averages will be computed on a 4.0 scale: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. Advanced Placement courses (AP American History, AP English, AP Science, and AP Math) will be awarded one extra point: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2. PreAP Classes will be awarded 0.5: A=4.5, B=3.5, C=2.5, and D=1.5. If a student falls below a D in an AP or PreAP class, the extra point for class rank will not be awarded. Grade Point Averages (GPA) equal the number of grade points earned divided by the number of semester classes. AP classes will be awarded 8 points (4 points per semester) and PreAP classes will be awarded 4 points (2 points per semester). Transfer students’ weighted courses will follow the criteria approved for AP and Honors classes by the Oneonta Board of Education in ” OHS Student Handbook
Cost of AP Exams The A+ College Ready Program grant covered part of the cost of AP exams for English, math, and science for the school year. For those AP courses, the cost was $40 per exam. AP Exam fees are subject to reduction of approximately $37 per exam based on the A+ Grant funding. Without the grant, the cost of exams are $92 per exam.
Advantages for Taking AP Courses -Students will receive $100 for each qualifying AP score of 3 or higher. -Students will have the potential to earn college credit via their qualifying score (for qualifying score check with the college of choice). -In addition to increased rigor and ACT scores, students taking AP coursework, regardless of whether or not they earn a qualifying score, will ultimately be better prepared for the rigor of college coursework.
PreAP Course Offerings PreAP Courses9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade EnglishPreAP English 9PreAP English 10 MathPreAP GeometryPreAP Algebra II with Trig SciencePreAP BiologyPreAP Chemistry Social Studies/HistoryPreAP US History
AP Course Offerings AP Courses11 th Grade12 th Grade EnglishAP English LanguageAP English Literature MathAP Calculus AB ScienceAP Biology AP Chemistry AP Biology AP Chemistry Social Studies/HistoryAP US History
PreAP English Considerations PreAP Courses9 th Grade PreAP English 9 PreAP English 10PreAP English 9
AP English Considerations AP Courses9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade AP English LanguagePreAP English 9PreAP English 10 AP English LiteraturePreAP English 9PreAP English 10AP English Language
PreAP Science Considerations PreAP Courses9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade PreAP Biology-Algebra I or -PreAP Geometry PreAP Chemistry-PreAP Algebra II w/Trigonometry -Algebra II w/Trigonometry PreAP Courses are designed to prepare students to take future AP courses but not a requirement.
AP Science Considerations AP Courses9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade AP Biology -PreAP Geometry -PreAP Biology AP Chemistry -PreAP Algebra II w/Trig -PreAP Chemistry -Algebra II w/ Trig -PreAP Chemistry
AP History Considerations AP History9 th Grade10 th Grade AP US HistoryPreAP US History
Counselor Contact: Rhonda Gibbs (205) Thank you!