TAS-I/ESA Progress Meeting – 11 th July 2012 Design of a new global dust storm scenario for GCM simulations L. Montabone, E. Millour, F. Forget
Background Recent improvements of the global climate model related to dust: New SW radiative transfer code for dust (Toon vs Fouquart) New dust optical properties (Wolff vs Ockert-Bell) Interactive dust scheme (i.e. 3D transport of dust mass mixing ratios and number of particles). A new global dust storm scenario for the GCM should be designed in accordance to the above improvements
Background Goals of a global dust scenario for GCM simulations: It should be an extreme, yet realistic, scenario for a planet-encircling dust storm It should bracket the extreme temperatures retrieved during real planet-encircling storms (MY 25 and MY 28 in particular) It should take into account model uncertainties on dust properties such as single-scattering albedo, and on spatial distribution and value of total opacity. We use a spatially and temporally fixed high total opacity combined with uncertainty optimization. We carry out validation with retrieved observations.
Dust Storm Scenario The new dust storm scenario: An extreme case of fixed high opacity (τ=5) combined with “darker dust” properties (i.e: lower single scattering albedo ω with respect to nominal) to cope with uncertainties on dust radiative properties. We explored interactive and non-interactive dust, and ω=90%-95% of nominal case Further investigations needed to design the optimal case.
Observations Mars Global Surveyor / Thermal Emission Spectrometer MY 25 global dust storm (retrievals in Meridiani Planum) L s = [190, 220] Lon = [-24, +12] Lat = [-20, +16]
1D simulations Simulations with the 1D (physics-only) version of the GCM Conrath dust distribution in the vertical Effects of top-of-the-dust parameter for several opacities L s = 200°, Lat = 0°, Lon = 0°, No diurnal tide
1D simulations Toon (left) vs Fouquart (right) SW radiative scheme
1D simulations Wolff (left) vs Ockert-Bell (right) SW dust optical properties
1D simulations SW Wolff dust optical properties and Fouquart radiative tranfer Single scattering albedo nominal (left), reduced to 95% in the blue region of the SW band (centre), and reduced to 95% in the whole SW band (right)
1D simulations SW Wolff dust optical properties and Fouquart radiative tranfer Single scattering albedo nominal (left), reduced to 90% in the blue region of the SW band (centre), and reduced to 90% in the whole SW band (right)
1D simulations From the results of the 1D simulations, good candidates for an optimal dust storm scenario are: Total opacities τ = 5-8 Ockert-Bell SW dust optical properties or Slightly darker SW single scattering albedo (ω), i.e. reduced to 95% of its nominal value (Wolff)
3D simulations Simulations with the full 3D GCM, interactive dust, fixed total opacity We extract from the simulations the thermal profiles corresponding to each single MGS/TES profile in Meridiani (L s = [190, 220], Lon = [-24, +12], Lat = [-20, +16]) We average these profiles for both the model simulations and for TES, and compare averages as well as min and max values for the envelope. We calculate the differences between model temperature and TES temperature at each TES pressure level, and carry out statistics.
3D simulations Interactive (left) vs Non-interactive (right) dust (τ=5)
3D simulations Total opacity τ=5 (left) vs τ=8 (right)
3D simulations Wolff (left) vs Ockert-Bell (right) dust optical properties (τ=5)
3D simulations SW Wolff dust optical properties (τ=5) Single scattering albedo nominal (left), reduced to 95% in the blue region of the SW band (centre), and reduced to 95% in the whole SW band (right) ω = 100% ω = 95% blue ω = 95% all SW
3D simulations SW Wolff dust optical properties (τ=5) Single scattering albedo nominal (left), reduced to 90% in the blue region of the SW band (centre), and reduced to 90% in the whole SW band (right) ω = 90% blue ω = 90% all SW ω = 100%
3D simulations SW Wolff dust optical properties Single scattering albedo nominal and τ=5 (left), ω reduced to 95% in the whole SW band and τ=5 (centre), ω reduced to 95% in the whole SW band and τ=8 (right) τ = 5 τ = 5, ω = 95% τ = 8, ω = 95%
3D simulations SW Wolff dust optical properties (Toon radiative transfer) τ=5 Lon = [-24, +12] Lat = [-20, +16] Ls = [190, 220] Pseudo-altitudes ~ 11, 22, 32, 40 km
3D simulations SW Ockert-Bell dust optical properties (Toon radiative transfer) τ=5 Lon = [-24, +12] Lat = [-20, +16] Ls = [190, 220] Pseudo-altitudes ~ 11, 22, 32, 40 km
3D simulations SW Wolff dust optical properties (Toon radiative transfer) τ=5 ω = 95% at SW Lon = [-24, +12] Lat = [-20, +16] Ls = [190, 220] Pseudo-altitudes ~ 11, 22, 32, 40 km
3D simulations Lon = [-24, +12] Lat = [-20, +16] Ls = [190, 220] SW Wolff dust optical properties τ=5
3D simulations Lon = [-24, +12] Lat = [-20, +16] Ls = [190, 220] SW Ockert-Bell dust optical properties τ=5
3D simulations Lon = [-24, +12] Lat = [-20, +16] Ls = [190, 220] SW Wolff dust optical properties τ=5 ω = 95% at SW
3D simulations: Zonal means Interactive vs Non-interactive dust (τ=5) Interactive Non- Interact. Non- Interact. minus Interactive
3D simulations: Zonal means Wolff vs Ockert-Bell dust (τ=5) Wolff Ockert-Bell Ockert-Bell minus Wolff
3D simulations: Zonal means Wolff nominal vs Wolff with ω=95% at SW (τ=5) ω =100% ω = 95% ω = 95% minus ω =100%
Design and validation of the new GDS scenario GDS MCDv4 (left) vs new GDS Ockert-Bell dust (right), τ=5 Validation with binned TES obs Daytime Night time Lon = [-180, +180] Lat = [-50, +50] Ls = [190, 230] P = 106 Pa (~18 km)
Design and validation of the new GDS scenario GDS MCDv4 (left) vs new GDS Wolff ω=95% at SW (right), τ=5 Validation with binned TES obs Daytime Night time Lon = [-180, +180] Lat = [-50, +50] Ls = [190, 230] P = 106 Pa (~18 km)
Design and validation of the new GDS scenario Comparison of different dust scenarios from the MCD at Meridiani
Conclusions: the new GDS scenario for GCM We use a spatially and temporally fixed high total opacity combined with uncertainty optimization. A total dust opacity τ = 5 is satisfactory for the new Toon SW radiative transfer (there are saturation effects above this value) The use of Ockert-Bell dust optical properties is equivalent to using Wolff optical properties with a few percent uncertainty on the single scattering albedo at SW The detailed comparison and validation with retrieved TES observations (profile-to-profile) show that an optimized GDS scenario can be obtained with τ = 5 and ω=95% of the nominal Wolff value at all solar wavelengths.