Learning Theories Brittany Frazzetto Section 5577
Comparing the Learning Theories ConstructivismBehaviorismCognitivism People construct knowledge best by participating in meaningful experiments Focus on cause and effect relationships since they can be observed- Believe that behavior can be modified through reinforcement Uses the Analogy of a computer to show how the human mind processes information- focuses on internal processes- specifically sensory register, short term and long term memory Technology can be used to foster creativity and include visual formats to promote meaningful learning Technology can be used as a means of positive reinforcement giving students immediate feedback Technology can be used to develop prerequisite skills, and as a supplement to classroom instruction
Constructivism Continued This is a picture of a team huddle. I picked it to represent constructivism because constructivism focuses on working in groups, and doing work outside of the classroom. They believe that students learn best when they are participating in experiences rather than simply learning about them.
Constructivism Funderstanding- Constructivism This website gives a simple definition of constructivism, discusses the key points and how they affect learning. It is stated in simple enough terms that younger children would be able to comprehend.
Behaviorism This is a photo of Ivan Pavlov who is one of the most famous behaviorist psychiatrists. He is most well known for his classical conditioning experiments involving teaching dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell because they knew that food would follow. Ivan Pavlov
Behaviorism Continued Behaviorism By Dr. C. George Boeree This website includes a lot of detail on behaviorism, its origins, its creators. It also provides pictures of many of the key psychologist in the behaviorism field.
Cognitivism This is a picture of Jean Piaget a famous child psychologist who is most famous for creating a model of child development and learning. He focused on the brains connections, creating maps, schemes, and other networks. Piaget
Cognitivism Continued Central Oregon Community College- Cognitivism This is a great website dealing with congnitivism. It includes a definition, the major psychologists, video clips, along with both the strengths and weaknesses of the theory.