Cathy Duquette, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CPHQ November 5, 2012
External Context – ANA and Race for Relevance Opportunities for RISNA Leadership with ANA President Highlights of RISNA and RISNA Board Activity October 2011 – November 2012 Future Directions and Next Steps By-Laws Review Strategic Planning
Race for Relevance
A History of Transformation 1982 ― Delegates adopt bylaws for a federation composed of state nurses associations. Drivers include the need for: – Increased consensus and faster decision- making at the national level – Decreased costs – Increased efficiency and effectiveness
Simplify Governance Structure Strengthen C/SNA & ANA Enterprise Structure Create and Implement High- Growth Membership Organization Develop and Implement Focused Menu of Programs & Services Develop Integrated Business and Technology Platform
2012 House of Delegates The Delegates voted to: Replace the HOD with smaller Membership Assembly, effective immediately Reduce size of ANA Board from 17 to 9 members Dissolve Constituent Assembly and CNPE Create “Professional Issues Panels” to address specific issues
More Changes to Come Multi-State Associations & Shared Services Technology Platform Focused Products and Services
Programmatic pillars to drive innovative, useful products that directly meet the members’ needs: 1. Quality of Care 2. Leadership 3. Safe Staffing 4. Practice Innovation and Health Care Transformation 5. Work Environment 6. Cornerstone Documents 7. Scope of Practice 8. Healthy Nurses Programmatic Pillars to Guide Product Development
Examples of New Products The toolkit receives more than 900 visits per month. ‘Bullying’ booklet has become the 5 th most popular selling publication of all time
RISNA President serves on ANA Strategic Development Fund Task Force RISNA Executive Director providing leadership in working with ANA on a pilot test for a New England multi-state division (MSD) More details in Executive Director report
RISNA and RISNA Board Highlights October 2011 – November 2012
Strategic Planning Review – December 2011 ANA Directions – uncertain at this time Race for Relevance to all Board members Membership Focus IOM Report and Role of RISNA APRN Consensus Review of efforts underway with a task force
APRN Consensus Legislation Driven by Task Force Bill submitted by RISNA on behalf of Task Force Various stakeholders driving from own groups No consensus Lack of consensus evident outside the inner circle Bill pulled by RISNA Risk to nursing too great
Formation of APRN Council – March 2012 Bring the voice of all stakeholders to the same table as part of RISNA structure Primary objective – to foster collaboration and dialogue among all APRNs to see forward successful passage of APRN Consensus language Experienced facilitator/leader and “Practice Area Leads” (PALs) appointed Early work and planning, first official meeting 10/4 RISNA NP Council and PCNS Councils to remain intact, re-evaluate after APRN Council achieves objectives
President Activities ANA Strategic Development Fund RI Public Health Study Commission Review of role/scope of RISNA entities (ongoing) RISNA NP Council, PCNS Council, By-Laws Committee, Government Affairs Committee, Membership Committee, Nominating Committee 3 rd Annual RISNA/RINI Gala ANA House of Delegates Historic
RISNA By-Laws Review Required changes to maintain alignment with ANA Consider Race for Relevance elements as appropriate RISNA Strategic Planning Session in December Multi-State Division Alignment with ANA Succession Planning & Leadership Sustainability Value & Membership Visibility