My Inner Planets By Gabriela Mendoza
Mercury Mercury’s minimum distance from Earth is 48 million miles. A year in Mercury is equal to Earth days. If you weigh 100 lbs, your weight on Mercury would be 38 lbs. Source;
Venus The diameter of Venus is 7,522 miles. Planet Venus is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Maximum distance of Venus from the Sun is 68 million miles. sours;
Earth The Earth is around 4.6 billion years old. The earth’s orbital speed is 29.8 km per second. Earth has an average surface temperature of 55.4 degrees F. Sours ;
Mars Mars maximum distance from the Sun = 155 million miles. Mars is 35 million miles from Earth. Mars is the god of war in Roman mythology (Ares). A day in Mars is equal to 24.6 Earth Hours Sours ;